Let Her Be Lazy - How To Fully Enjoy National Lazy Mom’s Day
Are you familiar with the Disney classic movie Cinderella?
If so, do her daily duties seem a little familiar?
Take a look at the lyrics of Cinderella’s Work Song:
“Every time she’d find a minute, that’s the time that they begin it,
Cinderelly, Cinderelly, Cinderella!
…Make the fire, fix the breakfast, wash the dishes, do the mopping,
And the sweeping, and the dusting, they always keep her hopping.
She goes around in circles, ‘til she’s very very dizzy,
Still they holler, keep a-busy, Cinderelly.”
I’m a mom, and I am blessed to say that my family is regularly appreciative of my role in our home. On top of their verbal appreciation, they also help me out from time to time, knowing my duties are plentiful.
However, I still have found myself discouragingly thinking of the above song/analogy when I’m overwhelmed, burnt out, and feeling a little like our family’s Cinderella - minus the fabulous ball gown and glass slippers.
The thing is, we can all feel overwhelmed at times.
We feel this in the workplace. We feel this in our social settings. And, as a mom I can say with authority, we certainly feel this in our day-to-day duties and life.
Most jobs allow for either paid time off or unpaid time off, recognizing the fact that each and every person needs time to reset and recharge to avoid or overcome burnout.
The thing is moms need this too!
Most moms cook, clean, do yard work, laundry, and dishes, get groceries, run other errands, serve as a taxi, counselor, nurse, tutor, and more.
When you have that much on your plate, on top of job duties and other family needs, you don’t just want, but you need time to simply relax.
But relaxing can truly be a foreign concept for most moms.
Thankfully, there’s a day set aside for kids, partners, and friends to step in and say - allow us to lend a hand and take over your duties for a day!
Why? So, you (mom) can be lazy for a change!
So then, what else does this day entail? What does Lazy Mom’s Day really mean?
How can you help mom out? How can you, as a mom, take a needed break?
Let’s find out…
What Is Lazy Mom’s Day?
A quick internet inquiry regarding the above question, “what is lazy mom’s day,” revealed one word that I think sums up this day best - appreciation.
Each year in May we celebrate Mother’s Day, a day where we honor mothers, celebrate motherhood, and shower all the moms in our lives with cards, flowers, gifts, etc.
However, as most moms can attest, oftentimes this day doesn’t necessarily slow things down for mothers.
Sure, the occasional breakfast in bed or brunch outing occurs, but in many cases, moms are still hustling and bustling to get the kids ready for any family meals or outings, and in some cases, moms are doing extra work to ensure their own mother or mother-in-law is fully celebrated.
In other words, Mother’s Day is a spectacular occasion, but this day doesn’t necessarily mean that moms get a needed break.
Enter Lazy Mom’s Day…

Whether moms get a break or a “day off” on Mother’s Day or not, 364 more days until the next scheduled mid-May break is a long time to keep up with the day-to-day duties without finding yourself in need of some time to recharge.
And, while Mother’s Day celebrations do serve to show mom some much-deserved appreciation, I think we can all agree that another appreciative day for the leading ladies in our lives is a wonderful thing.
Lazy Mom’s Day is a day meant to give moms a break from the normal duties that fill her seemingly never-ending to-do list - you know, the laundry, dishes, cleaning, and cooking, to name a few items.
The origin of this holiday is somewhat unclear, lacking a definitive founder and including some conflict surrounding which day it is celebrated.
But most observe this day on the first Friday in September, with some holding to the date of September 6th each and every year.
It is believed that the notion of Lazy Mom’s Day first took root across social media platforms and blogs amidst discussions surrounding feelings of burnout and overwhelm in motherhood.
Then, sometime in the early 2010s, the following idea took root - moms need a day, even a nationally recognized day, to receive a little help and have some time to just enjoy an afternoon, a morning, or an entire day in which someone else shares her heavy load.
And Lazy Mom’s Day is meant to do just that.
It doesn’t come with flowers and gifts. It doesn’t come with breakfast or brunch in bed.
And the purpose isn’t necessarily for celebrations and honor.
Instead, Lazy Mom’s Day is simply a day to appreciate mothers by giving them some time to relax, take a break, and be “lazy.”
As a mother I can personally attest, and I’ve certainly heard this repeatedly from my mom friends as well, that the notion of being lazy or simply doing nothing, is completely foreign.
Moms go-go-go and do-do-do so very often. So, in many cases, unless she’s very ill, mothers simply don’t get (or very rarely get) the opportunity to relax, unwind, recharge, and reset.
Even on birthdays or days like Mother’s Day, should moms get a break from their duties, it generally only means that she’s got twice the work to do the next day to make up for such a break.
And this is another way Lazy Mom’s Day is different from other nationally recognized special days.
On Lazy Mom’s Day, so mom can truly recharge and relax, this day is meant to show her appreciation by taking on her chores and duties, helping her out and even facilitating some much needed me-time for mom.
So, let’s dig in now and look at some ways you can truly help mom be “lazy.”
Facilitating The Best Lazy Mom’s Day Ever
In order for any mom to have the time to relax, recharge, and simply be “lazy” for the day, someone has to step up and step in, lending a hand, otherwise her time off will be for naught as she’ll have twice the work to catch up on the next day. And frankly, that just defeats the purpose!
So, let’s take some time to go over some ways you can help your mom or partner enjoy a relaxing day.
1- Do The Laundry

According to some statistics, American moms are tasked with doing 88% of the laundry.
On Lazy Mom’s Day, plan ahead, and do it all for her!
Pre-soak if needed. Separate the white and darks.
Follow laundering instructions on your family’s clothing just like mom does. In other words, do the sorting, washing, drying, folding, and putting away.
Leave no laundry stone unturned, and let mom stay out of the laundry room for a change.
2- Do The Dishes
There’s an old song that goes a little something like this, “I’m forever washing dishes, dirty dishes in the sink. They pile so high; they touch the sky. But, oh how slowly they do dry!”
Any mom will tell you; this song is absolutely true!
Why? Because dishes (like laundry) are a never-ending chore. Even with a dishwasher, there’s always dishes to be washed or a full load to be put away.
You can give your spouse or mom some time to relax simply by making sure the dishes are washed, dried, and put away.
3- Cleaning Too!

Piles of dirty laundry and sinks full of dirty dishes aren’t the only things to tackle on mom’s to-do list, for she generally keeps the house clean as well.
So, divide and conquer if you can, and consider the following items:
- Clean the bathrooms (at least toilets, sinks, and floors, but consider the shower/tub as well)
- Clean the kitchen (wipe countertops and sinks, take out the trash, clean the stovetop)
- Vacuum the entire house
- Tidy open spaces (fold blankets, pick up any clutter)
- Dust or clean hard surfaces
4- Animal Care
Whether this is typically something mom does or not, make sure the dog is walked and fed/watered.
If you have a cat, make sure your kitty is fed and has plenty of water. Then, also clean out the litter box, so mom doesn’t have any stinky chores to do on her lazy day.
5- Cook or Order Take Out
If you’re able to cook, relieve mom of her chef duties as well on Lazy Mom’s Day.
Or another way to help mom would be to order dinner out, preferably from mom’s favorite restaurant (without any fussing or complaining about the dinner choice).
Oh, and if you do make dinner at home, be sure to take care of the clean up too.
6- Peace Treaty

Kids whine, spouses whine, we all whine from time to time…but not on Lazy Mom’s Day…right?
Kids argue, spouses argue, we all bicker from time to time…but not on Lazy Mom’s Day…right?
From these two lines, I think you get the picture. But just know that nothing disturbs a time of peace and quiet like hearing complaints, having to break up an argument, or having to settle a dispute, etc.
Spouses especially, plan to handle the kid complaints and sibling disputes, at least for a day, so mom can enjoy some quiet and calm moments.
7- Take Over Carpools
Spouses and partners as well as other family members, you can help your spouse, family member, or friend out by offering to take over her taxi duties for the day.
Plan ahead, then seek to take care of school drop off and pick up, do any needed errands, pick up some groceries, shuttle the kids to practices, lessons, etc.
Anything you can do to help out the moms in your life will go a long way to make her feel appreciated and give her some needed time off.
Relax, Mom!

Okay moms, in order for Lazy Mom’s Day to be a success, there are a few requirements for you as well.
No worries, we’re not talking about anything laborious.
Instead, I’m referring to acceptance.
It’s not uncommon for moms to know they need some rest and relaxation, but never actually take it.
For Lazy Mom’s Day…take it!
Turn off your mom brain and let your family and/or friends' step in and lend a hand, so you can recharge.
Without breaks, you will get overwhelmed. And, when you’re overwhelmed you can’t be the best you, your health suffers, you suffer, and everyone you love ‘feels it’ when you’re overburdened.
So, allow yourself some quality lazy time.
And, just in case you need a few ideas for how to spend your morning, afternoon, or day being lazy, consider the following…
1- Delegate & Just Say No
First, before you can rest and relax, if needed, simply delegate your usual tasks for the day.
Assign a few extra chores to the kiddos.
Give a list to your spouse, if you must.
Phone a friend and ask if they can handle your driving duties.
Do whatever you need to do to make sure you have some time to reset, time away from your normal tasks without having them pile up and overwhelm you the next day.
Remember, today is about saying ‘no.’ No schedule, no tasks, no chores, no obligations, and no expectations!
2- Take A Bath

Who cares if it’s in the middle of the day, just go all out, and treat yourself to a relaxing bubble bath, including bath oils, salts, bombs…the works.
Then, if you’re able, get out of the house and get your nails done after a relaxing soak.
3- Plan A Day Outdoors
Getting outside in nature has many benefits related to rejuvenation, relaxation, and stress relief, all needed in the life of a mom.
So, consider going for a walk outdoors. Take it slow and enjoy the sights and sounds.
Then, plan for an afternoon nap in the shade in a hammock or your favorite outdoor chair.
Even if you’re unable to doze off for a few minutes, you can still just quietly rest, soaking in the outdoor air.
4- Read A Book or Watch A Movie

While you’re outside in your hammock or chair, or even from the comfort of your favorite spot indoors, take some time to read a book.
I know it generally seems like the only time moms have for pleasure reading is after the kids go to bed, and unfortunately this means that such an activity cuts into sleep time.
So, enjoy a day or afternoon of quietly reading, without sacrificing shut eye.
And, if reading isn’t really your thing, plan to enjoy a guilt-free movie day, watching your favorite movie, a new one, or a full-blown series.
The point here is to do (or watch) something you typically don’t get to enjoy due to a busy schedule.
5- Live Your Best Life

Okay, that subtitle may need some clarification…
A few months ago, I had a slew of errands to run one Friday, and while I was out, I decided to enjoy a few stops, including a coffee from my favorite cafe, lunch at my favorite spot, Pearl Jam blaring on the car stereo, and even an added stop at Target for a quick perusing of the home decor section.
After I got home, my daughter said, “You look happy!” I replied, in jest, “I know, I was just out living my best life today; it doesn’t take much to make me happy.”
So, if you’re anything like me, a nice lazy day, living your best life, could even include (minus the errands) a day where you could stop for a cup of coffee at your favorite local cafe, followed by any slow stops at your favorite stores or shops, and lunch or dinner at the best foodie spot.
Oh, and don’t forget to forgo the kids’ music while you’re out enjoying life!
When my children were young, all I can say is there were far too many times that I drove on autopilot, jamming to Backyardigans or Disney soundtracks while I was alone in the car. Then, I’d arrive at home only to realize, “Oh yeah, I was alone, I could’ve actually listened to something that I like!”
It’s okay moms, we’ve all been there, but today is about you! So, be sure to make your playlist all about you too.
6- Host A Lunch

Okay, I know this doesn’t sound like much of a relaxing day if you’re cooking or preparing food for a planned lunch but hear me out.
We all have a social battery. Some of us recharge by being alone, away from even those we value and love, simply because that’s how we’re wired. Some of us need time away to reset.
But some of us recharge by being around others. For some, being around a group of mom friends who can relate to our daily struggles serves as a fuel to keep us going.
So, if you and your group of friends are the type of people who truly recharge when and by being around others, plan to attend or host a potluck lunch where you can enjoy a meal and the company of others away from your typical tasks.
However, I’d like to add a few stipulations to truly ensure this is a stress-free day:
- Plan to have your family tackle your daily to-do list prior to the event (and/or afterwards) so you’re not cleaning and tidying the house before/after your friends arrive/leave.
- Consider bringing items to enjoy that you can simply pick up from a local bakery, deli, or restaurant in order to keep you from having to cook/bake.
- Find a sitter. Remember, this is a day just for you, and it’s going to be hard to relax and enjoy time like this if you’re still taking care of your littles.
However, you choose to be lazy for this national day, just make sure you spend some intentional time, away from your daily duties, where you can rest and relax, giving your heart, mind, and body the care it needs and deserves!
And of course, Happy Lazy Mom’s Day!
Check out Lifeboost Coffee Espresso.
- https://nationaltoday.com/national-lazy-moms-day/
- https://www.nationaldaycalendar.com/national-day/national-lazy-moms-day-first-friday-in-september#
- https://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/lazy-moms-day/
- https://www.hindustantimes.com/lifestyle/festivals/national-lazy-moms-day-2023-7-reasons-why-its-important-to-give-your-mom-a-break-from-domestic-chores-101693479950377.html
- https://www.journee-mondiale.com/en/day/national-lazy-moms-day/