Our Story: "It's Ritual"
How we elevated coffee, health and your day
We LOVE coffee. It's a ritual that starts your day off and brings you to that happy place of energy, productivity, focus, and emotional wellbeing.
If you want to feel your best, then why not feed your body the best source that you can find? That's why Lifeboost Coffee was born.

We believe it's possible to drink the highest quality of coffee (that actually tastes good) while paying our farmers fairly, using sustainable farming methods and protecting our wildlife.
The Healthiest, Tastiest
Coffee Possible
Hi, I'm Dr. Charles Livingston, CEO and Founder of Lifeboost Coffee.
As a Chiropractic Physician with thousands of hours in nutritional research, I would always tell my patients... "Garbage in equals garbage out" which is an easy way to say, that the nutritional building blocks that you feed to your body, is what your body will assimilate into healthy cells. And lots of healthy cells become a healthier YOU.
Coffee is no different. Since it is something that 50% of the U.S. puts in their body on a daily basis and it's the #1 source of antioxidants in the U.S., it's Lifeboost's belief that you should put the cleanest source that you can find into your body. For that reason, we use a process called TrustPure which is our roadmap for finding you the healthiest, tastiest, stomach-friendly beans on the planet!
Lifeboost beans are:
Single Origin to avoid cross contamination of molds, hand selected, high elevation and shade grown.
Even though our main roasts are certified organic, we 3rd party test for mycotoxins, molds, heavy metals, pesticides plus 400 other toxins to ensure you are getting the cleanest beans we can find.
Our stomach-friendly, low-acid coffee beans are naturally grown to full maturity (ensures the most nutrients entering the bean), sun dried, and gently washed with spring water before roasting.

From the jungles to your table
Step 1: Sourcing
We source the top 2% of coffee in the world from small farms in or near nationally
Step 2: Roasting
Lifeboost coffee is roasted fresh in small batches when you order.
Step 3: Testing
We 3rd party test our beans for mycotoxins, molds, bacteria, pesticides, heavy metals plus 400 other toxins.
Step 4: Delivered
Delivered directly to your door to be enjoyed one delicious cup at a time!
What Makes
Lifeboost Great
1. CLEAN - 80% of the time, put clean foods AND clean beverages in your body such as Lifeboost coffee. The other 20% of the time, enjoy life and treat yourself!
2. CAUSE - Support something you believe in. We support the farmers, their families and communities. We also definitely support sustainable farming methods, wildlife protection, and our first responders.
3. CONNECTION - Coffee connects us. Whether it's conversations with friends or family, business meetings or simply just spending time with yourself. Life is about connection.
4. KINDNESS - We believe that in order to make the world a better place, it all comes down to treating people how you would like to be treated... with LOVE, HONOR, and RESPECT.

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Save up to 48% and have the world's healthiest coffee delivered fresh to your door. Stay as long or as short as you like with absolutely no commitments.
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Clean, Low Acid Coffee For Your Health
Simply The Best...



3rd Party Tested
For Toxins

Stomach Friendly, Low Acid
Truly revolutionary coffee. You'll love the taste to the last drop.
Your cup of Lifeboost Premium Coffee comes from coffee beans that have been individually hand selected as the premium bean(s) of a harvest. Your coffee beans are lovingly cultivated by local farmers, after being grown slowly to full maturity in mountain shade.Subscribe & Save
Subscribe to receive the healthiest coffee at the lowest price to your door with friendly personal service and no commitments.
The Healthiest
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