Experiencing Comfort And Connectivity Through Holiday Traditions - In The Lifeboost Family And Your Own
An oven roasted turkey and all the trimmings…
The warm glow of lights strung on and around rooftops, trees, and fence posts…
A plate of freshly baked cookies placed on the kitchen countertop…
The feeling of soft pajamas against your skin, as you sit in your favorite recliner snuggled up on a cozy morning with a blanket and a piping hot cup of coffee…
When you read each one of the above lines, it’s likely that you don’t solely think of those specific items mentioned, but rather your mind transports you, through memory, to the people with whom you’ve enjoyed each of those things.
For me, when I think of turkey and dressing, I think of each and every person I’ve been blessed to share this traditional meal with in times past.
The warm glow of holiday lights twinkling? Just the thought of this takes me back to my childhood when every year my brothers, cousins, and I would ride around with my dad and grandpa looking at Christmas lights.
The cookies? Every year throughout my childhood my mom and grandma made dozens upon dozens of cookies to deliver to family and friends, something I still do to this day with my children.
And, I’m sure you all know that snuggling up with your favorite blanket and a warm cup of coffee has far more meaning when attached to moments spent with those you love most.
So, what’s the common theme surrounding such moments?
Why do these situations and settings often flood our hearts and minds with such fondness, memory, and emotion?
One word…tradition.
Throughout the holiday season, it’s likely that you’re accustomed to participating in, or creating new, traditions. And, whether we realize it or not, such traditions are a vital part of any family - blood relation or otherwise.
In fact, those moments you annually spend gathered warmly together (both in heart and around the warm glow of a fire or with warm mugs of coffee and hot chocolate) foster connection, create bonds, provide comfort, and even enhance your overall well being.
So, today we’d like to take a further look at why traditions are such an important means of bringing people together, and we’d even like to share some traditions with you that are near and dear to the hearts of a few of our Lifeboost family members.
So, join me in brewing a warm cup of coffee to sip and savor as we consider what makes holiday traditions so special…
The Importance Of Holiday Traditions

The traditions that occur within a family are truly a special thing. Just the mention of this word, tradition, likely brings to your mind those most dear to your heart.
But what is it about traditions that make them so special?
Sure, we all have our rituals and routines we take part in, but traditions are generally specific to special times of year when we gather with friends, family, and loved ones.
When you think about it, it’s pretty spectacular to ponder the fact that at some point, those traditions we’ve come to know and love were simply a new occurrence amongst our family members. Then, the love shared, and memories made in such moments prompted those happenings to continue for years to come.
No matter whether your family/friend traditions have been occurring for generations or if you’ve recently begun a new trend within your circle, those moments or occurrences have already become, or will soon be, an anticipated tradition that fills hearts with joy, homes with love, and minds with memories that bring comfort simply upon their recollection.
Traditions…these are often the exact things that bring meaning to holiday gatherings.
Traditions…they make the time spent with your loved ones just a little (or a lot) more special.
Traditions…these moments serve to create positive memories for our minds to focus on and recall for years to come.
And participating in such traditions causes those moments shared amongst loved ones to be more easily stored in our memories due to their repetitive nature.
Partaking in traditions with family members somehow works to lessen the woes that commonly take place throughout our lives, instead helping our minds to reflect on the best parts, the most positive parts, of being together.
Whether we realize it or not, traditions serve many positive purposes. In other words, all the hours and planning that often takes place to ensure such anticipated moments continue within a family are well worth it!

According to the experts:
- Traditions create a sense of connection for children and adults alike.
- Traditions create a sense of belonging amongst family members.
- Family traditions help children to develop a sense of who they are.
- Self-esteem and overall well-being is enhanced in those individuals who take part in family traditions.
- The consistency and predictability of traditions can bring comfort and security to both children and adults, especially through difficult life changes.
- Traditions shared amongst families keep loved ones connected throughout generations, even providing a family history to be shared for years to come.
- Traditions even help to keep the memory of those who’ve passed on alive and present at treasured family gathering times.
But, what if you’re looking to begin a new tradition with your family, friends, or loved ones?
If you have many traditions, you and your family take part in throughout the holiday season (and beyond), then you likely know the most lasting and memorable traditions are simple ones, those which fall into place almost accidentally.
So, if you’re looking to begin a new tradition for or with your family members or other loved ones, just know that such experiences don’t have to be expensive or flashy.
When seeking to start a new tradition, try to do something simple that all parties will enjoy, something that focuses on bringing those that you love together to share the experience.
In fact, all of the following Lifeboost holiday traditions I’m about to share with you have such humble beginnings…and these simple starts have turned into annual experiences that not only bring joy and comfort in the moments shared with our loved ones in real time, but throughout the year as well when we think on these treasured times together.
And, as you read, it is my hope that you too have an abundance of joyful moments which serve to bring your loved ones together throughout the holiday season and in all the months that follow.
Lifeboost Holiday Traditions

Taylor is our Customer Service Manager here at Lifeboost. Throughout the holiday season she enjoys multiple traditions with her family.
In November Taylor has fond memories of and enjoys continuing to gather with friends and loved ones for an annual Friendsgiving meal.
Each year at this gathering, Taylor and her friends creatively add to this tradition by selecting a Friendsgiving theme - one year they wore crazy socks, one year they coordinated colors, another year they gathered in their pjs, and this year they plan to showcase their favorite artists/bands as they come together to make new memories.
Taylor also shared another aspect of tradition that is so important, namely that sometimes life happens. And, when life gets in the way, this can mean that once fond traditions can cease.
What’s special here is that Taylor shared that this year her family will be starting back one of their traditions of having all of their cousins come together at Thanksgiving just like they did when their grandma was with them.
So, if you’ve noticed some traditions have fallen away with the passing of a prominent member of your family, know that these moments can easily begin again, providing you with the opportunity to connect, reconnect, build and strengthen bonds, and make memories for generations to come.
Taylor also shared that the ladies in her family began a new tradition last Christmas, one they now look forward to continuing this year.
Last Christmas Taylor, her mom, aunt, and cousins came together to participate in a fun family bake-off. Together, they shared recipes and baked lots of yummy treats which they shared with the rest of the family.
And lastly, being a mother, Taylor has also told us how she seeks to teach her children through some of the traditions her family shares.
Here, reminding her children of how blessed their family is to enjoy a wonderful Christmas, together they seek to share this with others as they adopt at least two children to bless during the holiday season, showing her own children how special (and needed) it is to spread Christmas cheer to others.
Then, our Director of Wholesale, Sarah, enjoys the traditions she shares with her husband throughout the holiday season.
Sarah says that her husband is “a whizz in the kitchen, so naturally we make everything from scratch.”
Remember when I mentioned in the above section that traditions can often come about almost by accident?
This is what I love about the tradition Sarah shared with us, her husband’s kitchen skills combined with the couples’ desire to be together and connect surrounding his talent has organically led to such sweet traditions!
Sarah shared that each holiday season, for nearly 10 years now, they enjoy making their special homemade eggnog and bread which they use to make delicious french toast to serve at their holiday brunch.

She described their Christmas brunch, complete with that homemade french toast, as one of their favorite traditions…spent together in matching pajamas with plenty of warmth all around.
Then, our Content Strategist, Shannon presents a wonderful reminder of how such amazing traditions can continue even when we don’t always have the opportunity to be together in person.
You see, there’s quite a bit of an age difference between Shannon, her sister, and their younger brother. So, during the girls’ teen years, when their brother was still quite young, she recalls her brother waking in the very early Christmas morning hours filled with an eager anticipation to open gifts.
Brimming with excitement, sleep certainly eluded her brother, so he would sneak down to the kitchen and make a few cups of coffee to serve to his teenage sisters.
Shannon recalls this early holiday morning offering as one of the only ways her younger brother knew to appease his grumpy teenage siblings. (Sounds pretty genius to me!)
Coffee in hand, the trio would curl up together, and as the then teen sisters would enjoy warm sips of java, they’d read their younger brother his favorite stories until an acceptable waking (and gifting opening) hour for their parents.
Shannon fondly recalls this tradition as providing truly special moments each year for “just us siblings.”
Now, all grown up with spouses and children, each living in different areas all across the country, her siblings aren’t always able to be together during the Christmas holiday.
So, each Christmas they get on a video call, all parties warm and cozy in their pajamas with a warm mug of coffee in hand, prior to any local holiday gift exchanges or celebrations, and they share moments with one another similar to those they shared as siblings in their youth.
“Last year, I got to enjoy my coffee with my sister and little niece and nephew while my brother videoed in. Though my nephew isn’t quite old enough yet to bring me a cup of coffee (so, I had to make my own), there was nothing better than laughing with him while reading his favorite books before the rest of the house woke up to celebrate together.”
Sometimes we have to incorporate a bit of creativity, but thanks to the age of technology, even distance doesn’t have to separate us from those we love most, allowing us to continue treasured traditions that bring to mind positive memories and provide us with opportunities to continue to connect with our loved ones.
Of course, we also had to include some input from our Lifeboost CEO, Dr. Charles, here as well.
And, one of Dr. Charles’ favorite traditions with his wife and sons is to gather together in their new matching pajamas each year to take a Christmas photo.

As most any parent knows, getting that perfect family photo definitely presents its challenges, but when it’s all said and done, you’re left with far more than a photo. As you glance upon the finished portrait, each year provides you with a barrage of memories which fill your heart and mind with both laughter and love.
Then to conclude our Lifeboost holiday tradition highlights, there’s me, Becky. I count myself overly blessed and truly honored to be able to write some of the articles you read here at Lifeboost.
And, as far as traditions - I guess you could say we’re a little tradition-happy here in my family.
I suppose it goes to show the validity of what I’ve researched here today regarding the importance of family traditions, but I can honestly say that I see the evidence of their benefit in my own life.
Personally, I feel that I’ve passed down the essence of who my grandparents were to my children as I’ve fondly recalled or continued some of the traditions from my childhood.
For instance, my husband and I still take our teenage children to look at Christmas lights each season, and while we’re out and about we listen to the same music my grandma and grandpa loved when I was very young.
At times, my children have listened to Walter Brennan (not a widely known name when it comes to Christmas music, but one adored by my grandparents) complete with a few snickers and laughs…just as I did when I was their age.
However, there’s nothing more comforting to me in their absence (my grandparents), especially throughout the holiday season, than to listen to those same words, sounds, and phrases we listened to year in and year out in their presence.
Then, for one more tradition as we close…my family’s most treasured holiday tradition happens each year when we put up our Christmas tree.
One year when my children were very young, I decided to lay out a spread of snack type foods - veggies and dip, an assortment of fruit, popcorn, pretzels, pizza that I’d cut into small/bite size pieces, etc.
As I assembled the tree, my kids enjoyed a snack while watching a favorite Christmas movie, which kept them busy and allowed me to be more productive in the moment.
Well, they loved it so much that they asked to have a “tree party” again the next year, and the next, and the next.

Now, this year we will enjoy our 13th annual family tree party.
Since the initial one, our spread has come to include special requests for favorites, a lengthier movie session, more decorating help from the crew…and if I’m honest, (and I know many of you parents can relate) it often wears me out!
I cook our entire Thanksgiving spread over two days leading up to the holiday, then the day after I prepare our tree party spread before taking down all of our fall decor and then prepping to put up the tree.
So…it’s a bit tiring for sure. And, you know what…I wouldn’t trade it for anything this world has to offer.
You see, sometimes our traditions are quiet and calm. They take place in the early morning hours, complete with coffee, warmth, and love.
And sometimes, our traditions are full of picture taking, cookie baking, tree parties, loud games, laughter, football, fun…and an equal amount of warmth and love.
I imagine as you’ve read through this article each of you are either presently recalling the many traditions you enjoy with your family, friends, and loved ones or seeking to implement new traditions with your circle this year.
Can I just say - I hope those recollections are bringing you warm smiles and so much joy right now!
And, as you participate in those holiday happenings this year, may I leave you with this: cherish those traditions, happily recall each warm and happy moment, and be grateful as each of the positive memories from such annual events flood your heart and mind…grateful for the connections and bonds with the person or people you’re surrounded with as well as the memories made, and love and laughter shared.
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Becky is a mother, educator, and content writer for Lifeboost Coffee. She has had three years’ experience as a writer, and in that time she has enjoyed creatively composing articles and ebooks covering the topics of coffee, health and fitness, education, recipes, and relationships.