10 Powerful Health Benefits Of Roses - Petals, Tea, & More

11 min read JUN 22, 2024

At some point in your life, it’s likely that you’ve either given or received roses as a sentiment of shared love, friendship, affection, appreciation, or applause.

Roses are a globally recognized symbol of love, loyalty, achievement, perfection, and even mystery.

They’re one of the oldest flowers, referenced in literature, music, and art for centuries.

But, while roses are one of the most common flowers, these blooms are anything but ordinary.

In Middle Eastern cultures, roses have been used medicinally for thousands of years, aiding in nearly every aspect of whole body health and wellness.

And now, the rest of the world is also realizing the fact that this beautiful flower can bring far more benefit to the world than sheer beauty!

So today, we’re going to explore these rewards, looking beyond the beauty into the wealth of benefits this flower has to offer!

10 Health Benefits Of Roses

There are many benefits to be received from roses. And, because of these health-enhancing qualities, roses are considered a medicinal herb.

Nearly all parts of this powerful plant are medically beneficial, including the petals, rose hip, stem, leaves, and even the root.

Some of these components are used to extract essential oils from the plant, while others are made into a powder or used whole.

Each of these elements contain vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, other antioxidants, and more, which (alone or combined) are then used to make teas, waters, body-care products, supplements, flavorings for beverages (such as coffee), and other items.

While Middle Eastern and West Asian countries have been using rose petals and hips for flavoring (and health benefits) in foods and beverages for years, this is a newer trend here in the states, one that’s gained great popularity in the last 7-8 years.

Since 2017, there’s been a 43% increase in rose-infused items on restaurant menus, and from 2017-2021 alone there were nearly 1,500 new rose flavored products introduced for consumption.

To some, roses may sound like an odd item to use for flavoring coffees, teas, etc. but this floral is similar to others in that its flavor closely mirrors the flower’s scent.

Some varieties of roses can have a strong floral aroma, but overall the taste has been aptly described as “sweet, with subtle undertones ranging from fruit, to mint, to spice.”

However, there is cause for caution when it comes to consuming parts of the rose as well as any other flowering plant:

- In the case of other typical garden florals, some of these can be poisonous. In other words, it’s not advisable to simply pluck petals or leaves from just any flower and sample them.

- There are a few risks that come with consuming rose petals or rose infused products such as:

- Those suffering from rose or rose hip allergies should avoid beverages with roses and rose flavoring.

- Some have found rose tea to negatively interact with medications like blood thinners and antidepressants.

- Consuming an overly abundant amount of rose petals or rose infused coffee, tea, or water could cause diarrhea, nausea, or heartburn due to ingesting too much vitamin C.

- When using various parts of the rose for medicinal or edible purposes, always make sure that the plant hasn’t been sprayed with herbicides, fertilizers, or pesticides as these harsh chemicals are toxic and very harmful to your health.

For those plants, however, that have been grown organically, sustainably, and with health in mind, here’s some of the most powerful ways this stunning beauty can bring benefit to your life and health!

1- Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation, specifically chronic inflammation, is linked to many diseases including most cancers, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, etc.

And, many physicians have found that reducing inflammation throughout the body is crucial in preventing such conditions.

Rose petal tea, in particular, has been studied for its benefit to the body in reducing inflammation.

In fact, this flower’s ability to reduce inflammation has been so profound that some studies have found powdered rose petals to be equally as effective in relieving pain (due to inflammation) as popular pain-relieving drugs such as aspirin or ibuprofen.

Sipping rose tea, due to its anti-inflammatory properties, has even been known to eliminate pain from arthritis and physical injury.

Even better, rose petals (barring any individual allergies) don’t come with the dangerous side effects these conventional pain relievers can potentially have.

2- Eases PMS Symptoms

Another link to the anti-inflammatory powers of roses is this flower’s ability to relieve PMS symptoms.

PMS can be painful, and roses have been found to relieve menstrual pain, cramps, bloating, headaches, and nausea associated with premenstrual syndrome.

Roses are also effective hormone regulators, which can aid in mood and stress related symptoms which commonly accompany PMS.

3- Reduces Stress, Enhances Mood

For centuries in Middle Eastern cultures, inhaling the fragrant aroma of roses, specifically when steeped in tea, has been a routine, proven, antidote for relieving stress and improving one’s overall mood.

But, studies have shown this anxiety-relieving benefit doesn’t stop with the pleasant aroma of roses.

When sipping rose petal infused teas, the aromatic benefits are amplified, providing vitamins and antioxidant support which has been proven to be effective at combating stress, tension, and anxiety, as well as promoting feelings of calmness, even aiding in getting a restful night of sleep.

The oils extracted from roses have been shown to support healthy nervous system function, including improving the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that is associated with feelings of happiness, pleasure, and feeling good.

Rose tea has even been used in meditation practices due to this flower’s ability to bring calmness and feelings of relaxation.

4- Aids Digestion

Rose petals are also highly effective in treating digestive distress.

When sipped in a tea, rose petals have a mild laxative effect which can serve to relieve constipation. But, this flower can also reduce bloating and calm an upset stomach.

Even the relaxation benefits of roses may aid in this flower’s ability to relieve digestive distress as tension and stress are known gut health disruptors and tummy-troublers.

In other words, a calm mind can sometimes go a long way to calm your stomach.

Rose petals have also been studied for potential treatment in liver disease and dysfunction, and this is due to their ability to increase bile production in the liver. This not only helps your liver, but it also aids in digestion and improves nutrient absorption.

5- Supports A Healthy Immune System

Earlier we mentioned that roses are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Well, one of the most abundant vitamins found in rose petals is vitamin C.

The vitamin C content in roses, when consumed, boosts your body’s ability to produce white blood cells which help to fight infections.

The antioxidant content of roses also provides support for your immune system.

Many studies have found antioxidants to significantly improve immune responses, especially when coupled with Vitamins C and E, all of which are abundant in various components of this magnificent flower.

6- Balances Blood Sugar

Animal studies have provided an encouraging look into the effects of rose petals on blood sugar levels.

These studies have found rose petals to be effective in normalizing blood sugar metabolism by “promoting normal serum glucose, insulin, adiponectin, triglyceride, and cholesterol.”

In addition, the polyphenol content of roses works to repair cell damage within the body. And, some experts believe this damage that occurs at the cellular level is linked to diabetes.

Polyphenols also slow the movement of glucose from your gut to your bloodstream, reducing blood sugar responses after meals.

7- Boosts Skin Health

Want to improve the health of your skin? Boost your vitamin E and C levels.

Know what’s packed with beneficial vitamin E and C as well as age-defying antioxidants?

Rose petal tea!

Most teas infused with rose petals are caffeine free, so this beverage, minus the addition of sugar, is a hydrating, vitamin infused, calming, healthy remedy even for your skin.

Rose water and rose infused facial oils and cleansers are increasing in popularity as they bring acne-clearing, moisturizing, antioxidant support for your skin externally, but consuming rose tea allows these benefits to be experienced from the inside-out.

As we age, our skin loses elasticity, it dulls, and fine lines and wrinkles become more prevalent.

Rose petals have been found to boost collagen production, which improves elasticity, reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

And, antioxidants reduce these aging effects as well as they combat cellular damage caused by free radicals. As this damage is mitigated, our skin health improves.

Even the anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties of rose petals improves skin health, reducing acne causing bacteria and calming skin conditions like rosacea and eczema.

8- Reduces Risk Of Some Cancers

Another source of antioxidants in rose petals are phytonutrients.

Research has shown that these plant compounds are able to not only stop the formation of cancer cells but they can also protect your body from “cancer-like changes.”

Other studies have found that rosehip extract can “reduce the proliferation and metastasis of triple negative breast cancer cells,” a type of cancer accounting for between 10-20% of all breast cancers.

Then, once again, the anti-inflammatory nature of this flower also adds a plus to the cancer column, as inflammation is a precursor to cancer due to the type of DNA damage chronic inflammation causes.

9- Boosts Heart Health

Roses are commonly associated with love, and in some cultures, this link is thought to stem from the flower’s protective abilities regarding the heart.

Your liver has a part to play in producing and synthesizing cholesterol, and as roses have been found to influence healthy liver function, some scientists believe this connection translates to the heart as well.

Then, the anti-inflammatory effects of roses also play a role in supporting a healthy heart.

Polyphenols and other antioxidants have long been lauded for their protective and healing measures pertaining to multiple chronic diseases including cardiovascular conditions, as polyphenols serve to lower blood pressure levels in patients with hypertension.

Even the stress reducing effects of rose petal tea may play a role in improving heart health as medical experts have long known the detrimental effects of stress on the heart.

10- Anti, Anti, Anti


We briefly mentioned the anti-inflammatory properties of roses above. And, many of the subsequent benefits of roses can be linked to the flower’s ability to decrease inflammation throughout the body.

But, there are many more “anti” benefits stemming from the various parts of a rose.

Roses possess antibacterial properties.

- Rose extract, in particular, has been shown to effectively treat sore throat and relieve chest congestion thanks to its ability to fight against bacteria.

- The phenolic and flavonoid compounds in roses contribute to their antibacterial abilities.

- Red and yellow rose petals have been shown to have the greatest antibacterial benefits.

Roses also have antifungal properties.

- The antifungal effects of roses are greater than the flower’s antibacterial effects.

- Rose extract has been proven effective in fighting against fungal diseases.

- Extracts of white roses proved to bring greater benefits in fighting fungal infections.

Roses have antimicrobial properties.

- Antimicrobial properties differ from antibacterial and antifungal abilities in that this benefit of the rose aids in fighting a range of substances including bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites.

- Studies concerning rose water found that the flower’s antiseptic properties contributed to the plant’s ability to treat and prevent infection.

- Rose bud extract and rose petal extract have been studied for their ability to cure infections in the gut and on the skin (due to antimicrobial and antibacterial properties).

Roses are loaded with antioxidants!

- Many of the benefits above stem from the antioxidant content of roses.

- The polyphenols and antioxidants in roses protect your body against free radical cell damage, which aids in your body’s ability to fight against disease, slows aging, boosts skin health, slows cognitive decline, and more.

Lifeboost Champagne Bliss Tea

When incorporating roses into coffee, tea, and other beverages, there are a few things to consider…

- The delicate, colorful petals of the rose are commonly added to light or mellow teas where subtle floral notes can then be experienced with each sip.

- In fruit-forward teas, rose hips - the part of the flower just below the petal which contains the plant’s seeds - are commonly used to add a touch of sweetness and a bit of tartness to the tea.

- Drinking rose tea is highly beneficial as consuming such a beverage allows you to receive both vitamins (primarily vitamins E and C) and antioxidants.

- Even the aroma of rose infused teas can bring many of the health benefits we detailed in the section above, including stress relief, mood enhancement, immune system boosts, and much more.

- Both powdered and whole rose petals are commonly used in teas, and both have equally powerful benefits.

Now, as many of you know, here at Lifeboost we’ve recently diversified our beverage offerings, bringing you not only clean, organic, sustainably grown, nutrient dense, low acid coffee, but powerfully pure teas as well!

And, a new tea favorite we’ve recently been raving over is our Champagne Bliss tea, a delicious offering which includes…you guessed it…roses!

Lifeboost Champagne Bliss tea includes real, clean, rose petals, allowing you to inhale the stress-relieving, immune boosting aroma of soft, sweet roses as you sip.

Then furthering this beverage’s health-enhancing qualities, the intentional addition of rose petals means you may also enjoy:

- Improved digestion
- Reduced inflammation
- Improved blood sugar levels
- Less pain
- Improved moods
- Reduced stress
- Relaxation

…and more, as you already know from the extensive list covered here today.

Roses, no doubt, bring immense beauty to any garden, landscaping, bouquet, or arrangement but what a wonder to know that enjoying the flavor of this flower also brings so many powerful benefits to your body!

So, perhaps Shakespeare had it right all along… “Of all the flowers, methinks a rose is best.”

Check out Lifeboost Coffee Empire State Sunrise Tea.

Headshot of Becky Livingston Vance
Becky Livingston Vance Content writer

Becky is a mother, educator, and content writer for Lifeboost Coffee. She has had three years’ experience as a writer, and in that time she has enjoyed creatively composing articles and ebooks covering the topics of coffee, health and fitness, education, recipes, and relationships.


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