A Cup Of Culture, A Cup Of Health - Exploring The Customs And Benefits Of Cafe Noir
You and your closest friends have just enjoyed a fabulous dinner.
The decor was stunning.
The music was calming.
The company was hilariously heartwarming.
The meal was utterly divine.
Now what?
After the table has been cleared and you’re all reclining in the adjacent room, would a glass of bourbon or even a fine wine be appropriate? What about a carefully crafted cocktail?
Each of these options commonly complete social events, even simple evenings spent alone in the comfort of your own home, but have you ever considered sipping, or serving, a demitasse of espresso or a small cup of rich, decadent black coffee following your evening meal?
Whether you’re engaging with friends and family or dining alone, a small cup of black coffee can bring powerful benefits to your post dinner routine!
Coffee commonly gets a bad rep when it comes to indulging in our favorite mug-filler after a certain time of day, but what if I told you the notion of a post dinner cup is actually customary in some parts of the world?
Here in the US we’re fully aware of Italian classics like the cappuccino, macchiato, affogato, and more - but what about a post-dinner cafe noir?
Cafe noir is simply a French phrase meaning coffee black, or black coffee.
But, unlike other European originals (like the cappuccino), there’s a little more to the cafe noir than meets the eye…
Cafe Noir Custom And Culture

Cappuccino is an Italian term that roughly translates to “small hood.” This word for the classic coffee drink, some say, perfectly describes the color of espresso when mixed with frothed milk.
Macchiato is also an Italian word, and its translation - stained or marked - characterizes the nature of this drink as well, where espresso is stained or marked with a small amount of milk or milk foam.
Cafe noir, on the other hand, has a more straightforward translation…black coffee.
And while, like cappuccinos and macchiatos, this definition clearly characterizes the presentation of the beverage, there’s truly so much more to this drink.
In fact, the more I learn about cafe noir, the more I find the need to further define…even redefine…this cup.
Instead of describing cafe noir simply as a cup of black coffee, I believe a more accurate definition would entail the following:
Cafe noir is a small, strong cup of black coffee, or a single shot of espresso, specifically enjoyed after a meal as a digestive aid and a means of serene, sophisticated, and decadent sipping pleasure.
Now, that’s a lot of detail to add to what was once a simple definition - black coffee!
However, if you take a quick journey with me to Europe, then back in time to the 1800’s - early 1900’s here in the states, I think you’ll find this definition to be wholly accurate.
So first, let’s travel to Europe…

If you want a shot of espresso in Europe, specifically in Italy, you order a caffe.
But, if you want something resembling a typical American cup of brewed coffee, you will order a caffe Americano.
You see, throughout most of Europe, since the invention of the espresso machine, espresso has become not only the base for most coffee drinks, but practically the only logical option when one requests any cup of joe.
However, traditionally, especially in Italy, you wouldn’t order a caffe, or a caffe Americano, save for post mealtimes.
Why? Because “in Italy, the time of day dictates the type of coffee you should drink.”
Here, “mornings are reserved for milky drinks, such as a cappuccino or caffe latte, and it is often frowned upon to drink milkier beverages later in the day. After 11 am, Italians switch to espresso-based drinks, like a simple shot…instead of a milkier cup of coffee.”
That’s right, Americans, no syrups, creamers, foams, and such. And, believe it or not, no worries about nighttime sleep troubles when sipping a petite cup of strong coffee after your evening meal.
Typically, savoring a post-meal espresso is a staple in Italian coffee culture, a practice stemming from the notion that this petite cup possesses powerful benefits pertaining to digestion.
In fact, this practice and its purported rewards were so prominent, such traditions made their way into homes all across America, even without the luxury of an espresso machine.
In the 1800’s and early 1900’s, prior to the common kitchen countertop staple otherwise known as the coffee maker, American cookbooks routinely included a variety of recipes or methods for brewing coffee.
And, within these recipes one could easily find instructions for making an “after dinner coffee,” or a cafe noir.
Such American listings for after dinner coffee detailed the cup as “twice the concentration as a morning cup [of coffee], to be served in a demitasse or a petite ceramic cup (with a saucer),” and an equally important serving note - “not with cream or milk, as the milk counteracts the purpose for which the coffee is taken.”
Both in Europe and here in the states, this small, simple cup of black coffee, seems to be regarded with esteem.
In fact, the New York Times once described this cup as such: “[after dinner] coffee is not a postscript to dinner, but rather an essential part of the best and heartiest meals.”
So, what makes this small, seemingly plain, cup so “essential?”
And, what exactly is “the purpose for which [this] coffee is taken?”
Health Benefits Associated With A Petite Cup Of Cafe Noir

We now know enjoying a post-dinner shot of espresso is a customary, healthy, practice in Europe.
And, we’ve seen that this practice was even common here in the states many years ago.
But, why?
In a word…health.
Most of us know that coffee contains many powerful health benefits, I mean, other than the taste, that’s why we love this brew!
Well, those healthy rewards are all rooted in the purest form of this roasted, then ground, bean - black coffee - or in the traditional definition of this cup, cafe noir.
We’ll discuss the benefits of enjoying a small cup of black coffee after a meal in a moment, but whether you’re sipping after dinner or prefer your cup au naturel any time of day, there are amazing benefits to be had when you skip the creamers, milks, sugars, flavors, and foam…opting for a simple, sophisticated cafe noir.
1- After Dinner Digestive Aid

Ah, finally…why is a cup of black coffee, or cafe noir, a perfect after-dinner offering?
First, the caffeine content of espresso (which is much less than a typical 8-ounce cup of brewed coffee) is said to help your body process a heavy meal, or any meal for that matter.
How does coffee do this?
Black coffee stimulates the production of your body’s digestive hormones, like gastrin and cholecystokinin.
Then, these hormones amp up the production of stomach acid and aid in bile secretion which not only helps to break down the foods you’ve just eaten but also aids in moving them through your digestive tract.
Coffee is also a diuretic, which means this beverage can increase urination.
Being able to urinate frequently is necessary for flushing toxins and bacteria out of your body; doing so serves to cleanse your stomach and keep you healthy.
No wonder cafe noir is considered necessary after an evening meal!
Worried about caffeine after dinner?
Decaf coffee also boasts these benefits, but they aren’t as strong as what you’ll receive with caffeinated coffee.
However, experts and after-dinner coffee aficionados alike testify that a small, or petite, serving of coffee or a single shot of post-meal espresso isn’t likely to disrupt sleep unless you are highly sensitive to this stimulant.
2- Antioxidant Powerhouse
A simple cup of black coffee, a strongly brewed or concentrated cup of coffee, or a single shot of espresso doesn’t contain any fat, protein, or carbohydrates.
It barely contains any calories.
Even its nutrient profile is slim, only providing between 3-14% of the daily recommended intake value of some vitamins and minerals.
However, black coffee is absolutely loaded with antioxidants!
Chlorogenic acids, polyphenols, and other antioxidants found in coffee bring amazing benefits to your body by reducing inflammation and combating oxidative stress.
Oxidative stress is an imbalance of free radicals in the body that leads to cell damage, aging, and ultimately disease and death.
And, inflammation, caused by injury, diet, lifestyle, etc., is one of the primary factors in heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and many other life-threatening diseases.
The antioxidants found in clean, healthy, toxin-free coffee essentially put on their army gear and go to battle with each sip you take, reducing your risk of disease and protecting your body in the process.
3- May Prevent Some Cancers

Studies examining the relationship between the consumption of black coffee and the risk of disease, namely cancer, have shown that the more coffee participants drank, the more they lowered their risk of some cancers such as liver and endometrial cancer.
As black coffee has been proven to reduce inflammation, this has also been shown to prevent the development of some tumors.
Furthermore, other studies regarding the consumption of black coffee and cancer have found that regular consumption of coffee “may lower the risk of developing certain types of cancer such as liver cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, and rectal cancer.”
4- Reduces The Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes
Coffee has also been found to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, and this, like coffee’s benefits pertaining to cancer prevention, is linked to its antioxidant content.
Chlorogenic acid is a specific antioxidant found in coffee that’s known for regulating blood sugar levels and improving insulin sensitivity.
Then, as we discussed earlier, coffee also contains antioxidants which work to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, both of which can contribute to the development of diabetes.
Overall, studies have shown that drinking 3-4 cups of black coffee each day may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by 25-30%.
5- Boosts Memory And Brain Function

As we age, our memory fades and overall cognitive function declines.
In time, we’re also more susceptible to age-related cognitive disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.
But, the stimulating effects of black coffee, specifically in regard to the nervous system, serve to improve focus and concentration, even enhancing short-term memory.
So, whether you’re enjoying a cup in the morning, at midday, or a petite after dinner demitasse, black coffee can serve your brain well!
6- Improves Liver Health
Your liver is largely tasked with detoxification, filtering your blood and removing harmful toxins and substances, allowing your body to excrete these health hindrances.
Black coffee, and its powerful antioxidant profile, helps keep your liver healthy by breaking down glucose, preventing fat buildup, removing damaged liver cells as it reduces inflammation, and preventing liver disease.
Black coffee has also been shown to “reduce the levels of harmful liver enzymes such as alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST), which are linked to liver damage.”
7- Boosts Mood

There’s a reason so many people love coffee - aside from its impeccable flavor, black coffee can actually improve your mood.
That’s right, coffee truly makes you happy!
Chlorogenic acids, and other antioxidants in coffee, not only increase alertness, but they also serve to decrease negative emotional processing.
Then, coffee increases dopamine and norepinephrine levels in the brain, which can lead to feelings of happiness and euphoria.
On the flip side of that, when these levels are low, moodiness, fatigue, and a lack of motivation are common.
So, the next time you’re feeling moody, tired, and unmotivated…it could be that you simply need a little cafe noir in your life.
8- Aids In Healthy Weight Management

Whether you’re looking to lose weight or simply want to maintain a healthy weight, drinking black coffee can bring you weight-healthy benefits!
As cafe noir, or black coffee, is calorie-free (virtually…there’s an estimated 2 calories per 8-ounce cup), it easily fits into any healthy diet.
Black coffee also serves as an appetite suppressant, helping to control hunger.
Then, the slight boost that java gives also helps to improve your metabolism, meaning you’ll burn more calories even when you’re resting.
I’d say that’s a win-win: you get to regularly enjoy delicious coffee while also burning calories without even trying!
9- Goodbye Gout
Studies have proven those who regularly drink black coffee reduce their risk of gout by up to 57%.
The caffeine and polyphenols in black coffee serve to prevent the build-up of uric acid around tissues in the body, and removing uric acid (and improving insulin sensitivity) is crucial in combating gout, as this triggers the condition.
10- Improves Heart Health
We can give another round of applause to the antioxidant content of coffee here, as these serve to protect the cells in your heart from damage.
Regularly drinking black coffee also improves circulation and reduces inflammation, in turn reducing your risk of heart disease, stroke, and more.
A Few Reminders

To enjoy each of the benefits listed above, remember the following:
The benefits of coffee are commonly frustrated by the presence of mold, mycotoxins, heavy metals, pesticides, and other harsh chemicals.
To receive all this powerful bean has to offer, always make sure you’re drinking clean, healthy coffee.
Lifeboost coffee, as most of you know, is not only elevation and shade grown, but we also never use harsh chemicals (or any chemicals for that matter) in our farming practices.
Lifeboost coffee is also low acid, organic, and third party tested for 450+ toxins to ensure you’ll never be sipping the common coffee woes of molds, mycotoxins, and heavy metals, each of which can hinder coffee’s natural benefits.
Then, once you’ve got a healthy Lifeboost cup of joe, be cautious of additions such as artificial sweeteners, emulsifiers (which are common in creamers), and other additives which can contribute to adverse health outcomes.
And ultimately, whether you’re enjoying an evening alone or gathering with friends and loved ones, consider skipping the bottle of wine or snifter of bourbon after the meal, and instead indulge in an Italian classic, an after dinner digestif, a simple yet elegant cafe noir!
Check out Lifeboost Coffee Grata Medium Roast.
Medical Disclaimer
This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Charles Livingston nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

Becky is a mother, educator, and content writer for Lifeboost Coffee. She has had three years’ experience as a writer, and in that time she has enjoyed creatively composing articles and ebooks covering the topics of coffee, health and fitness, education, recipes, and relationships.
- https://www.merriam-webster.com/wordplay/where-do-we-get-cappuccino-from
- https://perfectdailygrind.com/2020/05/what-is-a-macchiato/
- https://www.carluccios.com/blogs/advice-centre/do-italians-drink-espresso-after-dinner
- https://www.carluccios.com/blogs/advice-centre/mastering-italian-coffee-drinking-how-italians-drink-coffee#
- https://cornercoffeestore.com/european-coffee-culture/
- https://blog.bluebottlecoffee.com/posts/whatever-happened-to-demitasse
- https://www.noirepack.com/news/unlocking-the-health-benefits-of-black-coffee?
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/black-coffee#nutrition
- https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/oxidative-stress
- https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/21660-inflammation
- https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/why-does-coffee-help-with-digestion
- https://moriondocoffee.com/blogs/news/does-coffee-help-digest-food
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- https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4862107/#
- https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6213082/#
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- https://www.heart.org/en/news/2018/09/28/is-coffee-good-for-you-or-not#