The Ultimate Guide to Siphon Coffee Makers: Our Top Picks

14 min read JUN 14, 2024

Although siphon coffee makers might seem like a trend associated with modern culture, it's interesting to note that these brewing wonders have actually been around for more than a hundred years. In this article we will explore the world of coffee making.

If you're someone who appreciates coffee chances are you've come across the contraption called the "Siphon Coffee Maker" or simply the vacuum coffee maker. Its unique glass tubes and burners that resemble gadgets from science fiction movies or your high school science lab make it hard to ignore.

What exactly does this distinctive and stylish device offer beyond giving you the appearance of a Portland hipster crossed with a mad scientist? In the following sections we will delve into its features, uncover its history and provide guidance on what to consider when looking to purchase one of these captivating machines.

If you're not keen on venturing to your coffee shop for your daily dose of caffeine don't worry. Coffee enthusiasts can easily step into the realm of coffee and that too without you having to leave your cozy slippers and flannel pajamas.

With a range of options for coffee enthusiasts seeking the perfect cup of joe let me be your guide as we delve into some of the top notch siphon coffee makers currently on the market. In no time you'll be brewing your concoctions at home embracing the role of a true coffee lover and maybe even tapping into your inner mad scientist!


The Hario Technica Coffee Syphon is an example of Japanese craftsmanship when it comes to making coffee. This standalone siphon system combines a design with features that enhance your coffee brewing experience. Meticulously crafted from heat-resistant glass it boasts an impressive capacity to brew up to 5 cups at once and originates from Japan, a country renowned for its commitment to exceptional artistry.

One glance at the Hario Technica is enough to recognize it as the representation of coffee makers. Its setup with a burner and transparent glass carafe would feel right at home in a science lab or your favorite high quality coffee establishment.


  • The elegance radiated by the Hario Technica lies in its simplicity. The clean lines and aesthetic make it visually pleasing, in any kitchen setting.
  • This coffee maker is made from a type of glass that can handle high temperatures without breaking. You can feel confident using it every morning knowing that it's designed to be durable and resistant to shattering.
    • BApart from its practicality the Hario Technica also adds a bit of entertainment to your coffee routine. Watching the coffee brew through its process is captivating and adds a touch of theater to your morning ritual.


  • Some users might find cleaning the cloth filter a bit tedious. However this small inconvenience is easily overshadowed by the quality of the brewing it provides.
  • The included alcohol burner works fine but may not be as efficient as a butane burner. If you're someone who prioritizes efficiency, upgrading to a butane option might be worth considering.

2. The Bodum Pebo Vacuum Coffee Maker

This Scandinavian creation showcases its craftsmanship and minimalist design which explains why it has gained popularity in coffee establishments like Starbucks. Its clean and sophisticated aesthetics make it an attractive choice for coffee enthusiasts.

This stovetop siphon system revolutionizes the art of brewing coffee with its flat lower chamber allowing it to be placed directly on a heat source. Comprising two attached glass bowls the Bodum Pebo effortlessly creates a cup of coffee in just 5 to 11 minutes accommodating a generous brew capacity ranging from 4 to 8 cups.


  • The Bodum Pebo is a masterpiece, with its sleek and minimalist design that seamlessly fits into modern kitchen aesthetics. It's not a coffee maker; it's a creation.
  • Designed for versatility this coffee maker can be used directly on the stove providing a brewing option without the need for appliances.
    • With the ability to brew between 4 to 8 cups of coffee at once the Bodum Pebo is an excellent choice for both coffee enthusiasts and those who want to share their coffee experience.


  • Although the glass components of the Bodum Pebo are made of high quality materials they may not be as "unbreakable" as the borosilicate chambers found in some coffee makers. It is important to handle them with care to avoid breakage.
  • Over time and with frequent use, the Bodum Pebo may experience seal degradation, leading to drainage problems and the potential for messy situations. Regular maintenance and care can help mitigate this issue.

3. The Gourmia Premium Siphon Coffee Maker

This coffee maker introduces an innovation that brings the timeless art of siphon brewing into the modern age. This electronic, cordless wonder reimagines your coffee ritual with a convenient one-touch interface that's reminiscent of the electronic drip pots you may be accustomed to. Unlike traditional siphon systems that rely on burners or open flames, the Gourmia Premium is self-contained and sits proudly on your countertop, ready to brew your morning elixir.


  • With no need for a burner or stove, the Gourmia Premium offers unparalleled convenience. It simplifies your coffee-making process by being electronic and cordless, making it a perfect fit for contemporary kitchens.
  • This siphon coffee maker boasts a user-friendly one-touch interface. Another feature it has is the temperature control and a "keep warm" mode. It puts precise coffee brewing at your fingertips.
    • The Gourmia Premium is a fusion of modern aesthetics and timeless wonder. It seamlessly complements your kitchen appliances with its sleek design while still delivering that captivating sense of theater when you watch your coffee come to life.


  • Cleaning and replacing the cloth filters can prove to be a bit of a challenge. However, this minor inconvenience is offset by the overall convenience and performance of the machine.
  • This Coffee Maker is designed for more intimate coffee moments, offering a brew capacity of around 3 cups. If you're a fan of hosting large gatherings, you may need to consider additional batches.

4. The New Generation Diguo Electric Siphon Coffee Maker

This coffee maker is an all-in-one solution that takes the art of siphon brewing to a whole new level. This innovative electric siphon brewer boasts a 3-cup capacity, making it an excellent choice for intimate gatherings and solo coffee indulgence alike.


  • Bid farewell to burners and open flames. The Diguo New Generation operates with an electric base, simplifying your brewing process and eliminating the need for additional heat sources.
  • Precision is key when it comes to brewing the perfect cup of coffee. With adjustable heat control, this siphon coffee maker allows you to fine-tune your brewing parameters, ensuring a delightful cup every time.
    • The Diguo New Generation is designed for those who crave coffee on demand. It can deliver a tasty cup in a remarkable 5 minutes or less, ideal for busy mornings or coffee cravings throughout the day.


  • With a 3-cup capacity, the Diguo New Generation is tailored for smaller gatherings. You may need to brew multiple batches if you often entertain large groups.
  • Care should be taken when handling the top glass cylinder, as it is relatively delicate. Ensuring proper handling and storage can help mitigate this fragility.

5. The KitchenAid KCM08120B Siphon Coffee Brewing System

Even the esteemed KitchenAid brand has embraced the allure of siphon coffee making with its own innovative electric version—the KitchenAid KCM08120B Siphon Brewer. This coffee marvel introduces a blend of tradition and cutting-edge technology to your brewing ritual.


  • Versatility is key with the KitchenAid Siphon Brewer. It comes equipped with both a cloth filter pack and a steel filter, allowing you to choose your preferred brewing method.
  • Bid adieu to open flames and burners. This siphon coffee maker operates with the ease and safety of electricity, simplifying your coffee-making process.
  • With an impressive 8-cup brew capacity, it's ideal for those who enjoy sharing their meticulously crafted coffee with friends and family.
  • Crafted with premium glass and adorned with stainless steel accents, the KitchenAid KCM08120B exudes sophistication and modernity. It's not just a coffee maker; it's a statement piece for your kitchen.
    • The unit features a magnetic locking seal, ensuring a secure and hassle-free brewing experience.


  • While the KitchenAid Siphon Brewer offers a host of features and a premium design, it is positioned at the higher end of the price spectrum. However, its performance and aesthetics make it a worthwhile investment for coffee aficionados.

Understanding The Vacuum Coffee Maker (siphon Coffee Maker)

A Vacuum Coffee Maker, often referred to as a Siphon Coffee Maker, is a brewing apparatus that operates on the principle of "full immersion." This unique method of brewing distinguishes it from conventional coffee makers, making it a fascinating choice for coffee enthusiasts.

How It Works:

Instead of boiling the coffee grounds, the Vacuum Coffee Maker employs a consistent heat source, typically a burner, to create an internal vacuum that orchestrates the movement of water between two chambers. Here's a breakdown of the process:

Dual-Chamber Design: The Vacuum Coffee Maker is characterized by its dual-chamber design. The first chamber contains water, and the second chamber holds the coffee grounds.

Heat Application: The lower chamber houses the water and is heated using the burner. This heat application increases the vapor pressure within the lower chamber.

Water Migration: As the water temperature rises, it transforms into steam, creating pressure that forces it to ascend into the upper chamber, where the waiting coffee grounds are situated.

Brewing Immersion: The water mingles with the coffee grounds once in the upper chamber, initiating the brewing process. It is essential to note that in a Vacuum Coffee Maker, the water never reaches a boiling point, preserving the coffee's delicate flavors.

Gravity-Powered Return: The brewed coffee, now infused with the rich essence of the coffee grounds, is drawn back down into the lower chamber through a filter, all thanks to the force of gravity. This downward flow creates a vacuum effect, which defines the brewing technique.

This meticulous process produces a cup of coffee that shines with its nuanced flavors and aromatic complexity. The full immersion method ensures that all coffee grounds are exposed to the water for the same duration, at a consistent temperature, delivering a consistently exceptional brew.

Why Vacuum Coffee Makers Produce Great Coffee:

Preservation of Subtle Flavors: By avoiding boiling, Vacuum Coffee Makers safeguard the coffee's most subtle and delicate flavors, allowing them to shine through in every sip.

Uniform Brewing: The full immersion method ensures that all coffee grounds are treated equally during brewing. This consistency contributes to a balanced and well-extracted coffee.

A Touch of Science: Vacuum Coffee Makers beautifully combine the art of coffee-making with scientific principles, making the brewing process a captivating blend of chemistry and craftsmanship.

Siphon vs. Moka Pot: The Brewing Battle

When it comes to coffee brewing methods, the Siphon and the Moka Pot are both notable contenders. However, they differ significantly in their approach, resulting in distinct coffee profiles. Let's delve into the nuances of these two methods to understand their differences.

Siphon Brewing:

The Siphon, also known as the Vacuum Coffee Maker, is renowned for its meticulous brewing process. It employs a vacuum principle, ensuring that water never reaches a boiling point during brewing. This method creates a remarkably cleaner coffee while maintaining high intensity. The key here is the absence of boiling. The result is a coffee cup showcasing the subtlest flavors and nuances, offering a truly unique tasting experience.

Moka Pot Brewing:

On the other hand, the Moka Pot, although capable of producing a strong espresso-like brew, relies on boiling water to make its coffee. This fundamental difference in approach, utilizing boiling water, results in a distinct coffee character compared to the Siphon. The Moka Pot's espresso-like coffee tends to be bolder and more robust, with a different flavor profile compared to the cleaner and more nuanced Siphon brew.

In essence, the key contrast between these two brewing methods lies in the use of vacuum vs. boiling. While the Moka Pot delivers a strong and intense brew reminiscent of espresso, the Siphon method prioritizes the preservation of delicate coffee flavors through its vacuum-based process. The choice between the two ultimately boils down to personal preference and the kind of coffee experience you seek.

A Concise History of the Siphon Coffee Maker

Despite their popularity, among coffee enthusiasts, Siphon coffee makers (also spelled as 'Syphon') have a history that dates back to the mid 1800s. The idea of brewing coffee through siphoning, which focuses on preserving the flavors of the brew can be traced back to a patent filed in Berlin during the 1830s.

During this era it was widely acknowledged that boiling coffee had an impact on its taste. To address this concern and enhance the brewing process, various vapor pressure machines and vacuum were introduced.

The breakthrough for coffee makers occurred when a French woman named Madame Vassieux designed and successfully commercialized her device in the late 1800s. Her innovation not only proved effective. Also added an element of elegance and theater to the process. This made it particularly appealing for gatherings at that time.

Today we still appreciate coffee makers for their significance and their ability to produce exceptional cups of coffee.

Like in the past the siphon method continues to be a combination of science and artistry creating a coffee experience that goes beyond the ordinary.

Lets dig deeper into some features of the gravity coffee maker after gaining a solid understanding of it.

What to Look for in a Siphon Coffee Maker

When choosing the ideal siphon coffee maker, here are some key considerations to guide your decision:

Electric vs. Stove-Top Siphon Coffee Makers

Choosing between an electric coffee maker and a stove top version ultimately comes down to personal preference and style. Both types produce brews of quality.

A stove top siphon is designed to be used on a stove utilizing the flame as its heat source. These models are generally simpler and more budget friendly compared to electric ones.

On the other hand electric siphons come with their stand and integrated burner that can be powered by gas or alcohol. The burner heats the water in the chamber. Electric models often have designs but their brewing function is similar to that of stove top models.

Capacity and Aesthetics

The capacity of a vacuum coffee maker can vary, typically offering batch sizes ranging from 3 to 8 cups. Choosing the coffee maker should depend on your requirements.

There is no denying the charm and aesthetic appeal of coffee makers. They not only look visually appealing. Also have the capability to brew an exceptional cup of coffee.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

1. What is a Siphon Coffee Maker, and how does it work?

A Siphon Coffee Maker, also known as a Vacuum Coffee Maker is a brewing device that uses a full immersion technique. It operates by creating a vacuum to transfer water between two chambers. The lower chamber holds water and gets heated while the upper chamber contains coffee grounds. As the water heats up and turns into steam it moves up to combine with the coffee grounds. After brewing gravity pulls the brewed coffee down, into the chamber through a filter resulting in a clean and flavorful cup of coffee.

2. What's the difference between an electric and a stove-top Siphon Coffee Maker?

The main difference lies in their heat sources. Stove top Siphon Coffee Makers utilize the flame from a stove, for heating purposes while electric models come with built in burners powered either by gas or alcohol. Electric models often offer designs while both types create coffee with similar taste and quality.

3. Can I make espresso with a Siphon Coffee Maker?

Siphon Coffee Makers are not specifically designed for making espresso. They can produce flavorful coffee. If you prefer the flavor profile of espresso you might want to consider using an espresso machine or a Moka Pot as they are better suited for creating espresso coffee.

4. Are Siphon Coffee Makers difficult to clean?

Cleaning a Siphon Coffee Maker can vary depending on the model. Some users may find it slightly challenging to clean cloth filters. Overall regular maintenance makes the cleaning process manageable. It's important to note that electric models may have cleaning requirements so it's best to follow the manufacturer's instructions.

5. What makes Siphon Coffee Makers different from Moka Pots?

The main distinction lies in their brewing methods. Siphon Coffee Makers utilize vacuum principles to brew coffee without boiling it which helps preserve flavors. On the other hand Moka Pots rely on boiling water. Produce a bolder coffee with an essence similar to espresso. Choosing between these two options depends on your personal taste preferences and preferred brewing technique.

Check out Lifeboost Coffee Grata Medium Roast.

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