More Than A Coffee Donation…A Look At Happy Heroes, Helping Hands, And Huge Hearts

10 min read OCT 21, 2024

As the autumn and winter months usher in cooler temps and cozy moments, we commonly see a surge in giving.

We open our homes more often; we gather with loved ones more frequently; we increase our donations to those in need, and ultimately it seems we think of others in a greater way throughout this time of year.

…or do we?

I’ll admit, statistically, Americans seem to give (financially) in a greater way throughout the holiday season.

But personally, I can’t help but think that this trend extends far beyond a season.

Maybe I’m just a glass half full kind of person, but frankly, I witness the depths of human kindness, of compassion for others, far more than just a few months out of the year.

Americans are so unique. We differ in so many ways, from our upbringings and beliefs to our likes and dislikes.

Yet, despite our differences, one of the most beautiful things about our country, about humankind in general, really, is how we come together, how we support one another in so many ways.

I’ll ‘one-up’ Fred Rogers here (if that’s even possible) - Mr. Rogers was known for quoting his mother, who once told him, “Look for the helpers, you will always find people who are helping.”

Of course, she was referring to times of tragedy here, but isn’t this true in everyday life?

Everyday…people sacrifice their lives, their personal safety, and their comfort to help others.

Everyday…folks go out of their way to offer a smile, a helping hand, or a word of encouragement.

And, everyday…people donate their time, talents, and ‘treasures’ to support others in countless ways.

The thing is, sometimes life gets so busy and chaotic that we forget to stop and see just how wonderful this great big, beautiful world truly is.

So today, that’s where I’d like to fix our focus - on the common ground that is the powerful, positive, amazing spirit that prevails across all of humankind, a spirit of care and concern, of support and encouragement, of giving and sharing, of compassion, camaraderie, and community!

In doing so, I’d like to share some stories highlighting how individuals, and companies like Lifeboost, are choosing to support others, including the heroes within our own community, stories of neighbors helping neighbors, stories of selfless sacrifice, reports of humans helping humans, etc.

So, grab a cup of coffee or tea with me (I’m sipping on a warm mug of our Empire State Sunrise tea this morning), and let’s take a look at what makes this country, this world, so incredibly wonderful!

Happy Heroes, Helping Hands, Huge Hearts

I’d like to begin this discussion here in my own backyard.

Sure, there are countless stories that have a much wider reach in their impact, and we’ll get to those, but most often, the greatest impact we can have on others happens locally, and it happens in the simplest ways.

Each morning, weather permitting, I go for a walk through our subdivision. And, each morning I thoroughly enjoy the smiles, nods, and waves given and received between myself and my neighbors.

But, lately my walks have had a greater purpose.

Several weeks ago, a gentleman in our neighborhood posted a sign on many of the community mail receptacles.

The sign listed his phone number, a photo of his precious cat, and a plea for his fellow neighbors to be on the lookout for Finn, as his cat had gone missing.

For weeks, I never saw the slightest sign of the feline pictured on the flyers.

Then, one evening my son came back from a run, complete with pictures he’d taken of a cat that looked a lot like Finn.

I immediately called the phone number from the posted flyers, texted him the photos, and told the gentleman about what my son had seen.

The man proceeded to tell me that the cat in the pictures was not his, noting a few small markings not specific to Finn.

But, what he went on to say was truly amazing - “I simply cannot begin to tell you how overwhelmed I’ve been in the weeks since I posted those flyers. The people in this subdivision have reached out to me in such thoughtful ways. They’ve called, texted, and sent photos each time they’ve looked for Finn; it’s been such a compassionate outpouring of support.”

Our subdivision isn’t that big, but he shared how countless neighbors, strangers really, have reached out just to express care and encouragement.

He explained that he held little hope of finding his sweet Finn at this point, however, he was so encouraged to have felt such warmth, care, and compassion through it all.

Of course, it’s easy to look at a situation like this and think, well that’s not a happy story. And certainly, this gentleman has felt deep hurt in the absence of his pet; I’m not overlooking that at all. But as this man appreciatively conveyed - genuine care and kindness shown to others is a powerful thing!


I recently read a story about an elderly woman who was overwhelmed by the compassion shown to her and her husband by a complete stranger during a visit to their local grocery store.

She explained that her husband has dementia and MS, “he can’t walk or think very well; he even takes off and gets lost, so shopping with him isn’t easy.”

She told of how they had a full shopping cart during this particular trip, and when it came time to pay, she realized she was short by nearly $25.

She tried to take items off of her order, but the store’s system seemed to malfunction, creating greater stress, embarrassment, and concern for her and her husband.

Soon, viewing the frustration and discouragement this woman and her husband were experiencing, an employee came over and pulled enough money out of her own purse to pay for the remainder of the couple’s order.

In glad astonishment and gratitude, the woman later called the company to praise this kind gesture, to which they replied, “we’re not surprised…she’s done a lot of great and kind things [to help out those in need].”

Obviously, the woman was deeply touched by this random act of kindness and compassion, but these instances aren’t just performed individually…and they aren’t always random…


As I’m sure you know, the destruction that has fallen upon so much of the southeastern portion of the US in the wake of Hurricane Helene (and Hurricane Milton) has been entirely tragic.

The accounts of devastating loss of life, livelihood, homes, and more are gut wrenching to say the least, yet I’ve been encouraged from afar to see how so many have reached out, donated, and selflessly sacrificed to help in any and all ways possible.

Multiple communities, churches, and other neighborhood organizations have donated water, food, needed supplies, funds, etc. to aid in relief efforts.

Big box retailers are contributing supplies and funds to offer aid. Musicians are holding concerts to raise money for those deeply affected by this disaster.

Then, I’ve also read of retired linemen coordinating with local officials, coming from near and far to lend a hand.

Firefighters and other emergency personnel, even from several states away, have traveled to affected areas volunteering their time and labor to help.

For instance, a group of firefighters from as far away as New Jersey have recently joined rescue efforts in North Carolina.

Then, I’ve even heard local accounts of people coming in with food trucks, donating their time, talents, and resources to feed those affected by the disaster as well as those emergency personnel and volunteers who’ve come to offer relief.

And, these stories aren’t unique.

Linemen, firefighters, first responders, and hundreds of volunteers are pouring in from all across the country, lining up to offer support, care, expertise, and assistance in any way they can to help those affected by this tragedy.

Of course, these heroes, our community servants and first responders, aren’t new to such acts of courage and care…


Police officers, firefighters, EMS workers - these folks regularly put their lives on the line to preserve peace in our communities, to keep us safe, and to come to the aid of all those who need it in their respective towns and neighborhoods.

This isn’t new knowledge, we all know these things and have possibly even benefited from them on a very personal level.

What many people don’t know, however, is that these heroes contribute in so many other ways as they come alongside folks and offer support to their communities.

For instance, one Decatur Township firefighter went above the call of duty by mowing a patient’s lawn.

Here, when their crews were called out for a medical emergency, once the EMS team had transported the patient to the hospital, one DTFD firefighter stayed behind to finish cutting the patient’s grass simply to show kindness.

This act is one of many that embodies the true spirit of community these servants seek to foster.

A few months ago, this same fire department (the Decatur Township Fire Department in Indianapolis, IN) partnered with police and other community advocates just to spread a little love, a little support, and a little joy with a “National Night Out,” a free event providing hot dogs, chips, drinks, and sno cones for kids and families - more evidence of the fact that their care for others extends beyond any generalized notion of duty.

And, here at Lifeboost we’ve found that supporting our local heroes, even by fueling them with clean, healthy coffee, is one way we can pay it forward, letting these heroes know how much we appreciate all they do.


We’ve been privileged to donate Lifeboost Coffee to the Decatur Township Fire Department in Indianapolis multiple times throughout the year.

In fact, one of the most humbling aspects of such donations is seeing their excitement when “the coffee delivery pulls up.”

They may not know it, but their smiles bring more encouragement to us than they could possibly realize!

Over time, we’ve enjoyed getting to know these fabulous folks a little, and in doing so, we’ve learned that Mandy (in the front office) loves our flavored coffees, while the department as a whole is crazy about our dark roast and espresso coffee.

But, why do we donate coffee to these folks?

Simple…it’s one way we, as a company, can say ‘thank you’ to our community heroes.

It’s our way of offering support and encouragement on a local level.

And honestly, isn’t that what this life is all about?

Whether it’s…

- consistently offering a smile, nod, or wave to your neighbors

- helping a stranger look for his lost cat

- collecting supplies, sending funds, or using your time and talents to help others amidst tragedy

- paying for groceries for a couple in need

- mowing a lawn for someone who’s experienced a medical emergency

- hosting a community-wide cookout simply to show kindness to your neighbors

- or, donating coffee to local firefighters and emergency personnel

…we can make a positive difference in our communities (and in the world) when we come alongside one another, showing compassion, commonality, and care.

And, with that in mind, I want to challenge you to do a few things.

First, take a few moments to think of the times when you, personally, have experienced kindness, compassion, and a sense of community because of the actions or intentions of others.

Dare I say, each and every one of us have been the recipient, at some point in our lives, of both simple and profound kindnesses.

Next, take a few moments to think of times when you’ve been privileged to show this kind of support and care to someone else.

Then, think of a few ways you can engage, support, or connect with others where you are right now.

Perhaps you’ve been meaning to take a cup of coffee to your elderly neighbor just to say hello and see if he/she needs any help around their house/yard?

Perhaps you can gather items to donate to those in need within your community, especially as the cold weather months are approaching?

Maybe you can volunteer your time at a community center, tutoring children, packaging meals, or cleaning up trash at a local park?

We all have something to contribute when it comes to supporting those within our community…when it comes to making this world a better place.

Check out Lifeboost Coffee Embolden Dark Roast.

Headshot of Becky Livingston Vance
Becky Livingston Vance Content writer

Becky is a mother, educator, and content writer for Lifeboost Coffee. She has had three years’ experience as a writer, and in that time she has enjoyed creatively composing articles and ebooks covering the topics of coffee, health and fitness, education, recipes, and relationships.


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