Meet Tanner Martty - Lifeboost Ambassador Of Health With A Mindful Approach To Healthy Movement, Nutrition, And Living

9 min read JUN 02, 2024

Have you ever wondered why Lifeboost coffee is grown under a canopy of shade provided by surrounding vegetation?

Have you ever pondered why our coffee is only grown in small amounts, on family owned coffee plantations?

Why don’t we simply grow our coffee in mass amounts, keeping pests at bay with pesticides proven to rid any threat of destruction?

And, why wouldn’t we simply use a common fertilizer to accelerate growth?

I mean, using conventional coffee growing methods would mean we’d have a larger supply to offer our customers. So, why are we committed to doing things differently here at Lifeboost?

It’s simple…because health matters! And, what you put into your body matters!

Or, as Tanner Martty, one of our Ambassadors of Health, explains, “I think we should place as much attention and intention on the fluids we consume as food...fluids may be even more important when it comes to our practices for avoiding exposure to toxic chemicals because the concentrations tend to be much higher.

And, conventional coffee growing methods, bluntly stated, essentially produce a mug filled with mycotoxins, pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, molds, heavy metals, and more.

This is why working with nature, not against it…avoiding the use of harsh chemicals in the growing process…hand selecting only the finest coffee cherries…spring water washing…3rd party testing for molds, mycotoxins, heavy metals, and 450+ other toxins, etc. is non-negotiable here at Lifeboost.

Attention to detail in each step of the coffee production process doesn’t just produce a truly delicious cup of coffee, it also ensures a pure, clean, toxin-free cup of coffee.

And, this is why Tanner Martty not only enjoys Lifeboost as a part of his own health-focused lifestyle but confidently recommends Lifeboost to his clients as well.

However, enjoying and recommending Lifeboost is only a small part of his life and work, so let’s take some time today getting to know Tanner, connecting you to one of our Ambassadors Of Health!

Meet Tanner Martty

Tanner is a health and fitness coach who specializes in helping his clients learn how to move, eat, and live in harmony with how our bodies were intended to function.

He considers himself a lifelong student, continually learning ways to both improve athletic performance and foster personal growth and development.

As his first career was in medical device sales, he found himself disillusioned with the sick care system and the ironically unhealthy lifestyle he was living as a sales rep who frequently entertained hospital decision makers.

“I asked myself what values were meaningful and how I wanted to live my life. Then, I looked inward for the answers. The insight I had was to choose a career in alignment with my values. Also, I knew that I wanted to share this with other people along with my enthusiasm for physical culture and health.”

Tanner’s love of physical culture and personal development began early in life, as from a very young age he found he was happiest when he was moving his body.

Sports, exploring in the woods, riding his bike…Tanner has always found joy in being physically active.

As he got older, sports became even more important to Tanner, and this furthered his interest in both developing and progressing in those skills.

To facilitate such progress, he found himself seeking out skilled, knowledgeable, seasoned coaches, and in this pursuit, he explains “every avenue I pursued opened my eyes to several more, and now in my 40’s, I’m a lifelong student.”

As new, emerging, and pertinent information is presented, Tanner keeps up with these health and wellness trends and research today in a time-honored manner - “I’m old school, so I still read books.” But, he also allows for some modernity in his growth and development, listening to podcasts and subscribing to newsletters from those experts whose approach aligns with his own foundations.

Personally, apart from writing, I’m also a teacher. So, I can tell you from experience and from my own training, that the best teachers are lifelong students…ever learning, ever growing, ever seeking.

And, Tanner’s commitment to this lifelong process is what I believe makes him abundantly successful and qualified to impart his wisdom and passion to his clients.

What he’s learned over the years, both through experience and continual education, growth, and development is the importance of teaching movement in a way that meets folks where they are, in the busyness of life, while also instilling within them an excitement regarding the wonderful things the human body is capable of doing.

With this focus in mind, Tanner’s specialty is “distilling processes that leverage movement, nutrition, and daily routines into simple, progressive steps for his clients.”

In fact, one thing he reportedly often tells them is to avoid focusing on those steps you need to be taking 3-6 months down the road, instead, zeroing in on “the next step,” as healthy progression recognizes the need to commit to growth as a process.

He explains that the value of movement, especially in a workout, shouldn’t be measured by caloric burn or simply feeling like you’ve emptied your tank by the end of your sweat session.

Instead, again, the real value lies in commitment, in growth over time, in the process.

Specifically, Tanner teaches his clients “how to move, eat, and live in a way that’s congruent with human engineering. The emphasis is always on a mindful approach to the journey. Committing to the process of growth, deeper exploration, and self-improvement is a way of life, not a goal, that provides a rich content of experience regardless of context.

One thing he often sees as a health and fitness coach is that folks have clearly been indoctrinated to believe the reason why they are struggling or momentarily failing is because they aren’t doing enough.

However, what he’s learned over the past 16 years is that people are, in fact, doing too much in their life, resulting in stress and overstimulation which in turn leaves little room for even basic wellness practices.

Tanner’s goal and intention is “to share a message of simplifying, making space, and relearning how to feel [in order] to navigate life and wellness.”

And, his methods are clearly evidenced in what Tanner recalls as one of his most memorable clients, a truly grateful one, as you’ll soon see:

Fifteen years ago I was enjoying watching the sunset at a beachside bar in Venice Beach, California. The man next to me struck up a conversation when he noticed I wasn’t drinking but seemed to be enjoying myself more than anyone there.

He was coming out of a tough divorce and feeling like his mental and physical health were at an all time low just as he was set to turn 40 later that week.

After the conversation turned to what I did for a living, he asked me if I could help him.

Six months later he’d lost 35 pounds, felt abundant energy, and was navigating life clearly and confidently.

Plus, he’d cultivated an enjoyment for exercise and healthy living.

Fifteen years later, he still calls or texts me on the anniversary of the day we met to thank me and tell me about how the work we did had such a positive impact on the life he’s now living with his new wife and daughter.

Beyond his own contributions to his clients and the health and fitness industry as a whole, while Tanner recognizes that technology can be helpful, he does feel there’s an overreliance on gadgets, apps, and health hacking products.

He feels the current trend of looking to outsmart nature to achieve wellness is a failing one and ultimately hopes to see the pendulum swing back to more simple and natural ways of approaching health, a stance congruent with his proven method used to aid his clients on their journey of wellness and seen in his personal life.

And, speaking of his personal life…

Coffee, Health and Wellness, and Tanner Martty

We’ve explored our Health Ambassador’s commitment to education, enhancement, and aiding his clients on their personal wellness journeys, but how does this translate to Tanner’s daily life?

And, of course, where does coffee fit into his lifelong passion?

One of the first things Tanner seeks to work through with his clients is removing hormone and health disrupting foods, fluids, fabrics, and frequencies, a rule he lives out in his own life each day.

In accordance with this ‘rule’ and his desire to optimize health, he has eliminated or reduced exposure to pesticides, molds, and heavy metals, all of which are abundant in conventional coffee.

And, if you’ve been a Lifeboost customer for very long, you know that our coffee absolutely does not contain any of these health hindrances, making our java a perfect, healthy fit for Tanner (and his clients).

“Lifeboost aligns perfectly with my personal and professional values. When I discovered Lifeboost I was inspired to get involved because I wanted to be able to provide it to my clientele and spread awareness about what I feel is an important piece of the wellness puzzle.”'

To elaborate on what we mentioned in our introduction today, Tanner has found in his years of study and coaching that much attention and intention should be placed on the fluids we consume as food.

Fluids may be even more important when it comes to our practices for avoiding exposure to toxic chemicals because the concentrations tend to be much higher.

Two of the most simple and powerful practices people can adopt to improve their sense of wellness and longevity are to stop drinking tap water and to upgrade the quality of their coffee.

Tap water and conventional, run of the mill, coffee are absolutely loaded with a plethora of toxins that disrupt hormone function, gut health, and more.

This can’t be emphasized enough.

So then, how and when does Tanner Martty enjoy clean, toxin-free, healthy Lifeboost coffee?

First, Tanner’s morning begins by hydrating with water and electrolytes.

Then, he incorporates some form of internal work like meditation or qi gong.

Next up, Tanner and his golden retriever, Penny, enjoy a morning walk.

And, before he begins his work for the day, Tanner sits down with a piping hot, tasty cup of Lifeboost coffee.

“I’m a dedicated coffee drinker. I love starting my day with an espresso, but my new favorite coffee is from Lifeboost’s Africa line…specifically the medium roast.

I truly enjoy the taste of coffee, so I generally take it black, but sometimes I froth some A2 half and half to make a cappuccino.”

Coffee is a must, prior to Tanner’s daily work, and I love how he explains what we often fail to recognize as one of java’s many life-enhancing benefits - “The smell, taste, and sensation of coffee is something I associate with the creative process, optimism, and positivity.”

Fitting words, indeed, highlighting the ability of clean, healthy coffee to boost health, happiness, and brain power!

I hope you’ve enjoyed getting to ‘connect’ with Tanner today, and if you’d like to get to know him a little more, he does have a free newsletter you can sign up for through the link in his Instagram bio.

Tanner primarily engages with his audience through his newsletter, The 3 Rep Max, but occasionally posts on his Instagram account: @ancestralmodernman

Check out Lifeboost Coffee Grata Medium Roast.

Medical Disclaimer
This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Charles Livingston nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

Headshot of Becky Livingston Vance
Becky Livingston Vance Content writer

Becky is a mother, educator, and content writer for Lifeboost Coffee. She has had three years’ experience as a writer, and in that time she has enjoyed creatively composing articles and ebooks covering the topics of coffee, health and fitness, education, recipes, and relationships.

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