Is Breakfast The Most Important Meal Of The Day? You Decide…

13 min read AUG 28, 2024

Think back with me to your years in elementary school.

Can you recall some of the things your teachers spoke of, repeatedly? You know, those things that you likely heard from multiple teachers (and your parents) on a loop…things you heard so often that they’re ingrained in your mind even today?

One lesson for me that immediately comes to mind is: “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”

Even now, my own children often recite this same lesson, so much so that when I began intermittent fasting a few years ago, they questioned my methods.

“Wait mom, shouldn’t you be eating breakfast?” “You really shouldn’t skip breakfast, it’s the most important meal of the day.”

Of course, one lesson I imparted as an answer to their inquiries and admonitions is that breakfast, truly, can be consumed any time of day, as this meal technically refers to any meal that breaks your fast (or any amount of time in which you refrain from eating).

We commonly think of breakfast as a morning meal because it breaks the hours we’ve spent fasting overnight as we’ve slept.

However, even if you practice intermittent fasting, which may mean your first meal of the day isn’t until the noon hour or later, this meal is still breaking your fast, making it…you guessed it…breakfast!

So then, now that we’ve quickly established your first meal of the day, no matter what time that may occur, is breakfast, I have a question for you - is breakfast really the most important meal of the day?

Is the first meal you consume after a good night’s sleep, or any time of fasting, actually what our teachers and parents claimed it was for all these years?

Does what you eat for breakfast matter?

And, how does that first meal impact your health?

Let’s find out…

8 Health Benefits Of Eating Breakfast

As we mentioned above, the notion of breakfast being the most important meal of the day is a time-honored piece of advice, passed down from grandparents, parents, and teachers alike.

But is it all just a scheme brought on by cereal companies, bacon brands, fruit farmers, and more?

In a word…no!

Breakfast is, in fact, a vitally important meal as it’s the first fuel you’re providing your body after hours of fasting.

And, like any other time of day, what you eat matters!

Unfortunately, many marketed breakfast options today are highly processed, sugar-laden, and filled with a laundry list of artificial ingredients, each of which can do more harm than good when it comes to your health.

When choosing foods to break your overnight fast, it’s important to realize that this meal, in particular, can affect how your body metabolizes certain nutrients throughout the rest of the day.

First, breakfast serves to ‘jumpstart’ your metabolism.

And choosing healthy options for this meal has been shown to increase the likelihood that you’ll reach for equally healthy options throughout the rest of the day.

But this only scratches the surface!

Believe it or not, opting for nutritious foods to create a balanced meal for breakfast (no matter what time of day you’re enjoying this meal) aids your body in a multitude of ways.

1- Breakfast For Your Brain

Your brain needs energy, or glucose, to function.

This is why you may feel a little foggy when you first wake up in the morning, as your brain has spent the last several hours without a source of energy.

Eating a balanced breakfast fulfills this need, and in turn your brain’s wheels begin to turn for the day.

Studies have shown, especially in children, that neglecting a healthy break of your nighttime fast can negatively affect mental performance, leading to shorter attention spans, difficulty concentrating, and poor memory.

But, on the flip side of this, studies confirm memory, concentration, the speed at which a person can recall information, creativity, and speaking all improve when a person consumes a healthy, balanced breakfast to begin their day.

2- Breakfast And Heart Health

Recent studies have found an alarming trend - the absence of a healthy breakfast meal actually increases a person’s risk of developing heart disease.

While a definitive answer to this trend is not yet known, scientists believe this is linked to other findings, namely that those people who tend to omit a healthy breakfast from their daily routine are more likely to overeat or make poor choices regarding nutrition at other meals.

This then contributes to other health concerns such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure, each of which increase your risk of heart disease.

3- Breakfast Aids In Healthy Weight Management

People who eat breakfast typically consume healthier foods, overall.


When you take the time to choose healthy options to consume as you begin your day, this sets the tone for other healthy choices throughout the remainder of the day.

As nutrition plays a key role in weight loss and management, choosing a nutritious breakfast meal staves off hunger, encourages healthy eating habits, provides energy for movement/exercise, and improves metabolism.

Without a breakfast energy boost, consider the following pitfalls:

  • Low energy may lead to skipping workouts.
  • The absence of mindful food choices at the beginning of the day may lead to apathy regarding other meals.
  • Mid-morning or midday hunger (from skipping breakfast) can lead to rash, unhealthy food choices in moments of lethargy and blood sugar dips.

Researchers have even found that those people who consume a healthy breakfast tend to be more physically active than those folks who skip breakfast, and as I’m sure you already know, regular physical activity plays a big role in weight management.

4- Breakfast Boosts Nutrition

In the same way taking the time to choose nutritious, balanced options for breakfast can aid your efforts in achieving or maintaining a healthy body weight, such choices can also improve the overall amount of nutrition you’re providing your body.

Many healthy breakfast options contain protein, fiber, calcium, and a variety of vitamins and minerals.

And, starting your day with these nutrients is not only needed, but it has been proven to increase the likelihood that you’ll reach for equally enriching foods throughout the day.

I’m not trying to be repetitive here, as this point has been made in some of the breakfast benefits above. However, the research evidence surrounding this notion can’t be understated: the nutrients gained through healthy breakfast choices have both immediate body-fueling benefits as well as rewards evidenced in the precedence this sets for similar (needed) mindfulness in other food choices.

5- Breakfast For Energy

As you gain needed vitamins, minerals, and nutrients from a healthy breakfast, you also provide your body with energy.

Glucose is your body’s primary source of energy. And the glucose your body doesn’t immediately use after eating is then stored for future use as glycogen.

When you sleep (or fast) your body breaks down its stores of glycogen and releases it into your bloodstream as glucose to keep blood sugar levels stable, and after a fasting period, those glycogen stores can be low.

Enter breakfast…

Consuming a healthy, balanced breakfast allows your body to restore its glycogen levels while giving it the energy boost it needs to function.

6- Breakfast Battles Blood Sugar Dips/Spikes

Building on the energizing benefits of eating a healthy breakfast, this practice has also been shown to help your body regulate blood sugar levels.
Fatigue, headaches, migraines, weakness, and dizzy spells are each associated with fluctuations in blood sugar levels, and such fluctuations are commonly linked to skipping breakfast.

Furthermore, studies have shown those people who skip breakfast (even just a few times a week) are roughly 30% more likely to develop type 2 diabetes compared to those individuals who ate breakfast regularly.

In contrast, eating an early breakfast has been shown to provide aid in avoiding blood glucose fluctuations.

7- Better Breakfast, Better Mood

Research suggests after a night of fasted rest, eating breakfast restores glucose levels in the brain prompting feelings of happiness.

But, skipping breakfast, which causes surges of hunger and dips in blood sugar, can cause the release of hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. And, the release of these hormones essentially puts your body on high alert making you feel anxious or even angry…aka hangry.

So, eating a nutritious morning meal doesn’t just fuel you physically but mentally and emotionally as well.

8- Breakfast For Bone Health

Studies show those adults, children, and teens who eat breakfast regularly consume more calcium and other crucial nutrients than those individuals who skip breakfast.

This is likely due to the fact that eating a healthy breakfast provides your body with protein, C and D vitamins, fiber, calcium, and other essentials.

These nutrients are crucial for whole body health, but they specifically boost the health of your bones.

Calcium serves to harden and strengthen your bones (and teeth), but your body cannot make calcium on its own. Instead, you get calcium through what you eat and drink.

Vitamin D and fiber then help your body absorb the calcium you consume.

And, this is why these nutrients, each of which are common in breakfast food choices, are essential for healthy bones.

Coffee And Breakfast - Coffee For Breakfast

We’ve covered the health benefits of eating breakfast, but what does a healthy breakfast actually look like?

In reality, there are a number of options when it comes to choosing healthy foods for this meal.

For the sake of time, we’ll cover a handful of these healthy choices, then we’d like to shift our focus to a common, tasty, morning mug-filler…coffee, of course!

But, before the beans

To get the most out of your breakfast meal, consider the following healthy options:

Eggs - A great source of protein and other essential nutrients, eggs are a great, satiating, option to include as part of a healthy breakfast.

Yogurt - While you’ll want to avoid yogurt options which contain a large amount of processed sugar or artificial ingredients, plain greek yogurt is a healthy, protein and probiotic-rich breakfast companion. If you’d like to add a touch of sweetness to this option, try adding fresh fruit or a light drizzle of raw honey (which contains a wealth of health benefits on its own).

Organic Rolled or Steel Cut Oats - With healthy, soluble fiber, essential nutrients, and protein, oats can be a wonderful, satiating, part of a great breakfast.

Smoothies - Smoothies are a great way to pack a lot of nutritious foods into one tasty breakfast. From chia seeds to fresh fruits and vegetables, protein powders, nut butters, oats, yogurt, coffee, and more, you can easily whip up a balanced meal in no time with this option.

Fresh Fruit - Fruit is a fibrous food which can slow your body’s absorption of the natural sugars it contains. Personally, I like to pair fruit with a protein-rich food source, but some folks find that fruit alone provides a light option to break their overnight fast.

Sourdough or Whole Grain Toast - Full of fiber and complex carbohydrates (and probiotics if you’re choosing sourdough), toast can be a satiating option to pair with a delicious protein source.

Obviously, there are a number of other breakfast options you can choose from to build a balanced, healthy meal, but the bottom line is this - your body needs proper fuel each day to keep you healthy, to keep you going.

So, don’t skip or skimp on this highly important meal.

Now for the coffee!

It might sound a little redundant to slip in a little “don’t forget the coffee” reminder in our breakfast discussion; however, we’re including this because honestly, coffee is just so darn healthy…and delicious…and practical…and, and, and!

As we’ve seen here today that first meal after a fast, aka breakfast, is vitally important.

And coffee provides a powerful and healthy tool to both bring and enhance many of the same benefits associated with consuming a nutritious breakfast.

Most of us are familiar with coffee’s ability to provide energy, with its caffeine content serving to power us through both quaint and quiet or busy, bustling mornings alike.

However, having a cup of joe with your morning meal also serves your body by helping it flush out toxins.

In other words, since coffee can have a diuretic effect, your morning java serves to remove any buildup of toxins (through increased urine output) as you start your day.

Then, you’ll recall that we discussed how breakfast can give your brain a boost as well as decrease your risk of type 2 diabetes above. Well, coffee compounds these benefits as a clean, healthy brew also have been proven to increase the production of insulin and improve brain function.

On top of this, coffee can also improve the health of your gut.

This may sound puzzling as many people experience stomach distress when drinking coffee, but this is commonly linked to the acidity in a brew as well as the presence of molds, mycotoxins, pesticides, etc.

Lifeboost coffee, on the other hand, is low acid, mold-free, chemical-free, sustainably grown, and third party tested for more than 400 other chemicals, heavy metals, molds, etc. so you, and your gut, can sip with ease!

On top of this, coffee has also been proven to aid your body in the following ways:

  • Reduces risk of depression
  • Aids in weight management
  • Protects your liver
  • Boosts the health of your heart
  • Reduces the risk of gout
  • May decrease your risk of death from all causes
  • Improves your endurance and stamina as you exercise
  • Reduces the risk of some cancers
  • Reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

And, now that we’ve covered the benefits, let’s look at some creative ways to enjoy your breakfast brew.
Obviously, we’re all huge fans of a simple hot or iced cup of joe to start the day.

I mean, what’s better than a fresh cup of coffee served alongside toast, eggs, avocado, yogurt, oats…the possibilities are nearly endless.

But, did you know you can incorporate coffee directly into your tasty breakfast creations?

Check out the following recipes which utilize coffee as a base for a healthy, well-balanced, and delicious breakfast meal all in one tasty package.

Healthy Coffee Smoothie

  • 8 ounces cold-brewed Lifeboost Dark Roast Coffee
  • 1 frozen banana, sliced
  • 1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
  • ½ cup plain Greek yogurt
  • raw honey, to taste
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • 1 scoop protein powder (optional)

Add all ingredients to a blender, and blend on high until smooth and creamy.

Pour into a tall glass and enjoy!

Coffee Overnight Oats

Yields 2 servings

  • 3 ounces cold-brewed Lifeboost Dark Roast Coffee
  • ¾ cup unsweetened almond milk
  • ⅓ cup plain Greek yogurt
  • ½ teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 2-3 teaspoons of one of the following: stevia, real maple syrup, or raw honey (to taste)
  • 1 cup organic, old-fashioned oats
  • ¼ cup protein powder
  • ¼ teaspoon cinnamon
  • Chocolate chips, optional for topping

- In a small bowl, combine all ingredients and mix/stir well.

- Divide the mixture between two small bowls.

- Cover and refrigerate overnight or for at least 4 hours.

- Top with cinnamon and/or chocolate chips, if desired.

- Enjoy cold, or heat in the microwave for 30-60 seconds to enjoy warm.

Check out Lifeboost Coffee Highlander Grogg.

Medical Disclaimer
This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Charles Livingston nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.


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