Introducing Dr. Jonas Marry, Lifeboost Ambassador Of Health

9 min read OCT 09, 2024

It seems we live in an acronym-happy society. There’s the FDA, the DOD, the WHO, there’s NASA, the PTA, neighborhood HOAs, and on and on.

But, unless these acronyms mean something to us personally, it’s not uncommon to skip over such letter combos with little care or attention.

Well, today we’d like to zero in on one of our favorite acronyms - AOH - as we believe this particular one stands for something vitally important.

In fact, it highlights pretty much everything we’re passionate about here at Lifeboost.

AOH stands for Ambassadors of Health, an elite group of doctors and certified health professionals who believe in and truly embody our message, that health is your most valuable asset in life.

Lifeboost health ambassadors love coffee, they love people, and they want to see their loved ones, friends, patients, and clients living life to the fullest…lives lived in, and fully experiencing, true health and happiness.

And, because Lifeboost coffee is sustainably grown, organic, low acid, third party tested to certify our beans are free of mold, pesticides, heavy metals, and 450+ other toxins, completely clean, and truly delicious, these professionals feel confident in recommending our products with the overall health and well-being of their patients/clients in mind.

If you’ve glanced through our website, you may have noticed we have a large number of ambassadors, but this section isn’t simply a sea of pics and faces. No, these folks share our vision, and that’s why we love introducing you to the lives behind those photos, exploring details such as…

  • What are their passions when it comes to health and wellness?
  • Are they as crazy about coffee as we are?
  • As unique individuals, how do their areas of expertise support health in the lives of their patients and/or clients?

Today, we’re excited to answer each of these questions and more, as we happily introduce you to Dr. Jonas Marry, one of Lifeboost’s Ambassador’s of Health (AOH).

Meet Dr. Jonas Marry - Chiropractor, Husband, Father, And Lifeboost Ambassador Of Health

I’ve been writing for several years now, and the thing I love most about it is the powerful, yet subtle, beauty of words.

Words can paint astonishingly accurate pictures, sometimes clearer than a photograph itself.

Even the absence of words, in some cases, can fill in gaps, allowing us to understand unique things about folks through the things they don’t say.

And, it’s this type of ‘word power’ that has given me a glimpse into the life of Dr. Jonas Marry, through words spoken and unspoken.

You see, we often ask our health ambassadors to fill out a questionnaire, a tool used to help us get to know these folks on a deeper level so that we can better introduce them to you, our fabulous customers.

Well, something I noticed immediately upon reading Dr. Marry’s answers, coupled with the information he’s shared on his website, is that…

  • he’s a busy, but a consistent and confident man (brief, precise answers)
  • he knows exactly what his purpose and goal is (he’s informative, yet to the point)
  • he’s a humble man (rather than laboring personal accolades, his focus is on others, specifically his patients)

Dr. Jonas Marry is a chiropractor, and his early interest in this field is very personal.

He’s always been interested in health, but chiropractic care entered his life in a profound way when he suffered a martial arts injury.

He explains - “chiropractic care helped me when I was injured in karate. It never made sense to have drugs or surgery as the only ‘fix’ for an injury.”

The care he received at this time would push him on a passion-fueled path leading him to now not only benefit from such care himself, keeping him active in his personal life, but also extend that passion to others, providing help and care to so many in his community.

Dr. Marry is also a husband and father, and being a family man, he understands that providing the best care possible for his patients and their families extends far beyond routine chiropractic adjustments.

As he serves his community through his private practice, Dr. Marry and his wife work alongside one another to bring the best care possible for his patients and their families.

In doing so, she aids mothers concerning lactation and infant care.

In fact, his practice actually has a huge focus on pediatric and maternity.

They have a special room for pregnant mothers and are passionate about educating parents from the beginning, as often the first insult to the nervous system occurs at birth.

Together, they teach parents how to avoid, reduce, and correct common injuries, starting off their little ones’ lives in the healthiest direction possible.

Then, aside from their dedication to this type of care, Dr. Marry’s primary goal is to help people reach their maximum expression of life.

How does he do that?

Well, it’s a common misconception that chiropractic care is only for those who’ve suffered an injury, been in an accident, or live with chronic neck and/or back pain.
And, Dr. Marry addresses these misconceptions through regular health classes taught in their wellness center, combined with newsletters where he provides facts and directives, as well as simple one-on-one communication with his patients.

In their wellness center, (the ADIO Health Center) he seeks to bring more information to the people within his community, offering everything from Tai Chi, self-defense, nutrition, and exercise classes, teaching folks to prioritize health and wellness.

But within his private practice, overall, Dr. Marry is able to effectively care for his patients through an educated understanding of the body, one that tells a deeper story…

Your nervous system is where structure meets function. Since these concepts are completely intertwined, you can’t change one without changing the other. [This is] how regular chiropractic adjustments restore and maintain balance within your body, leaving you better prepared to live life to the fullest.

And, since Dr. Marry’s postgraduate studies have included pediatrics, sports medicine, and functional neurology, he's been able to dive in a bit deeper for many of his patients with a dedicated focus on improving the quality of life for those suffering from brain health issues through functional integrative neurology.

Dr. Marry’s approach to care has resulted in positive change in the lives of thousands in his community.

He shared with us that he regularly sees huge changes in patients from dramatic improvements in sports recovery, to stroke recovery, and avoidance of pediatric surgeries.

Then, alongside adjustments and other techniques, Dr. Marry shared that the most common piece of advice he gives to his patients surrounds the importance of posture and proper breathing practices, citing that these two simple acts can make a drastic difference in health and wellness.

As you can see, like many things, chiropractic care is both simple (evidenced in the impact those small acts above can have on total wellness) and complex.

When asked which trends or advancements he was most excited about regarding the future of chiropractic care, Dr. Marry shared enthusiasm for items linked to each of these qualities -

“There are so many areas where chiropractic is leading the way. Neurology, nutrition, and laser therapy…as well as forming relationships with others who are making a difference.”

Simple - nutrition and collaboration

Complex - neurology and laser therapy

Of course, whether you’re directly involved in the health and wellness field or not, you likely know that trendy and technological advancements for better serving patients are ever evolving.

And, Dr. Marry stays up to date with this ever-enhancing world through a commitment to align himself and his practice with cutting edge training and technology.

A quick look at his website shows his knowledge of, commitment to, and utilization of such technology even in his diagnostic practices, as he:

  • uses Neuro-Infiniti, the world’s leading bio and neurofeedback manufacturer
  • offers in depth brain activity assessment using Clinical Q
  • provides detailed blood/lab work to identify any metabolic, physiological, or biochemical imbalances that may be causing negative symptoms or hindrances to healing
  • incorporates the latest research-backed neurology exams to determine varying degrees of deterioration in both physical and neurological performance to better serve his patients
  • uses a 3D body imaging unit (based on cutting edge technology) to identify asymmetries in the feet through arch height mapping, which illustrates how the feet impact the entire kinetic chain

…pretty cool, right?!

Even better, Dr. Marry proves to fully understand the connective nature of the body as his passion extends past chiropractic research, prompting he and his team to also continually research healthy products for their patients, a search which led him to Lifeboost Coffee!

You see, beyond technology, neurology, and comprehensive chiropractic care, Dr. Marry also understands what many are finally recognizing as the key to whole body health and wellness - nutrition is a vital part of health!

“Nutrition is critical to recovery. Every metabolic pathway is nutrient dependent.”

Enter Lifeboost…

Dr. Jonas Marry knows what many of our customers have seen firsthand upon switching to Lifeboost, “if you drink coffee full of mold and toxins, you will dramatically affect your ability to heal.”

And, what is the Lifeboost difference we routinely talk about?

Lifeboost coffee is organic, shade and elevation grown, we never use pesticides, fertilizers, or any other harsh chemicals in our sustainable growing practices, and our beans are always third party tested, as an extra measure, to ensure our coffee is always free of mold, mycotoxins, heavy metals, and 450+ other toxins!

In other words, Lifeboost Coffee isn’t just a tasty, low acid, brew. It is grown in such a way that ensures you’re getting all the powerful benefits of coffee without any of the typical health hindrances found in most traditionally grown java, like the mold and various toxins Dr. Marry referenced.

Of course, that’s why Dr. Marry doesn’t just recommend Lifeboost to his patients but enjoys it personally as well!

“Lifeboost aligns with both my personal and professional values because it’s healthier and clean. We can’t recommend something to our patients that isn’t moving them towards greater health. …we (he and his wife) drink it every day and notice the difference.”

Actually, he and his wife quietly begin each day together, with a bible verse and a cup of Lifeboost (on their porch if weather permits), a practice which prepares them to serve their patients.

Dr. Marry has loved coffee for many years, and he attributes his early love for this beloved bean to his Italian roots.

But, as far as his favorite Lifeboost brew? He really loves our Butterscotch and Highlander Grogg flavored coffees! (Same, Dr. Marry, same!)

How does he take his Lifeboost?

He says some of his patients enjoy adding a little bit of butter or coconut oil to their favorite Lifeboost roasts or flavors, but he’s a purist through and through…steaming hot and black are the only requirements for his daily dose of Lifeboost love!

No creams, no sugars, no spices…just clean, healthy coffee.

Kind of like chiropractic care, if you ask me - no unnecessary intervention, just professional, whole body health care - for all ages, for a wide variety of health conditions, complete with authentic concern, and knowledgeable care!

Check out Lifeboost Coffee Grata Medium Roast .

Medical Disclaimer
This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Charles Livingston nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

Headshot of Becky Livingston Vance
Becky Livingston Vance Content writer

Becky is a mother, educator, and content writer for Lifeboost Coffee. She has had three years’ experience as a writer, and in that time she has enjoyed creatively composing articles and ebooks covering the topics of coffee, health and fitness, education, recipes, and relationships.

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