Have Coffee, Will THRIVE - Discover How Lifeboost Coffee Is Fueling Success For Wayne Township Students.
Consider these common definitions of the word thrive:
- to prosper
- to be successful
- to grow or develop vigorously
- to flourish
And, with these definitions in mind, my question to you is: are you simply living, or are you thriving?
Once we’ve entered adulthood, it’s good to keep these notions before us, serving as a means to ensure we’re always improving, always pressing towards a better self, a better society, and a better world.
But, to truly thrive, these desires must be instilled long before our adult years.
Thankfully, this is something the schools in Wayne Township (Indianapolis, IN) fully understand.
In Wayne Township and beyond, educators, administrators, and the community as a whole have made a commitment to ensuring the success of all students, including the 1% of students within the community with special needs.
And, they’re fulfilling this commitment, daily, through the THRIVE program.
Today, we’re excited to share that Lifeboost was able to partner with the THRIVE Program through the Lynhurst and Chapel Hill 7th and 8th grade centers in order to play a small part in this commitment, a partnership that led to 3 nominations and ultimately a Community Member Award from the Metropolitan School District of Wayne Township.
However, while this is happy, and humbling, news for Lifeboost, what’s happening in Wayne Township is far more exciting!
Have Coffee, Will Thrive

The mission of the Metropolitan School District (MSD) of Wayne Township, a partnership of students, staff, families, and community, is to ensure all students acquire and apply knowledge, skills, processes, and values to become lifelong learners and contributors in a democratic society through a comprehensive program of outstanding quality which enables them to develop their potential.
The above statement details the grand mission of the THRIVE Program, and our leadership here at Lifeboost acted on a desire to support this program and their mission simply by donating coffee to the Lynhurst and Chapel Hill 7th and 8th grade centers.
How can donating coffee support such a mission, you ask?
One way the THRIVE Program allows for individualized learning and growth for their students is by granting them access to meaningful, enriching experiences.
In other words, as much of the world is now understanding, learning doesn’t simply take place through textbooks while sitting in a desk chair.
So, Lifeboost was able to aid in providing such experiences by donating coffee.
Through these donations, students have been able to learn how to make and sell coffee, through their mobile coffee cart, to teachers on a daily basis.
On the surface, donating coffee may sound like a small endeavor.
And, on the surface, making and selling coffee to teachers may not seem like a grand undertaking either.
But, as any parent or educator knows, this type of experiential learning reaches far below the surface!
The simple act of making and selling coffee teaches these eager, joyful, and phenomenal students responsibility, both in task completion and money management, and it even educates them regarding sales procedures.
Though, that’s only the beginning!

Two of the most crucial skills we need to succeed in life are communication and collaboration, and both of these, as well as many other 21st century life skills, are being instilled, in real time, as these students run their mobile business, fueled by drive, determination, the joy of learning, and Lifeboost Coffee.
Of course, as a bonus, this endeavor also serves to positively impact the staff - bringing happiness to the teachers, lifting their mood, and providing them with a healthy pick-me-up.
But each day, as the THRIVE students learn the value of working together, doing their best, and serving coffee cart customers, they are also able to reap the rewards of their labor, as the proceeds of their barista business are used for field trips, those which provide real life encounters and involvement.
Furthermore, as the THRIVE Program provides intensive instructional curriculum for students with complex communication, physical, medical, and education needs, collaboration is also a must.
Collaboration with physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech-language pathologists play a large role in this program, each of these meeting the needs of students to both enhance their existing skills and interests as well as aid them in the development of new ones.
But, as most any educator will tell you, at the end of the day, experience is commonly the best teacher.
This is why the program’s student-centered instruction also includes weekly trips to the grocery store, recreational activities such as bowling, golf, and restaurant outings, as well as the exploration of vocational opportunities as part of a balanced curriculum.
These experiences pave the way for transformation, guiding students in their path towards growth.
And, in the THRIVE Program, as students learn, transform, grow, and succeed, they progress to secondary schools where they have the opportunity to be placed in both in-school and community job internships, bridging the gap between school and community to help reinforce what students are taught in the classroom.

But, in case I’m not clearly conveying the importance of such an approach to life and learning, let’s get back to you for a moment…
What has brought you the most success, growth, and/or worthy transformation in all avenues of life?
One word…experience.
And, I must say, it’s abundantly evident that experience is at the heart of what the THRIVE students are receiving.
Experience allows us to connect.
Experience allows us to serve others.
Experience allows us to be kind.
Experience allows us to receive kindness.
Experience allows us to grow and develop.
Experience allows us to flourish.
Experience allows us to thrive.
This is what each of the students in the THRIVE program are doing…through this unique and powerful educational opportunity, they truly are learning to thrive.
But, this wouldn’t be possible without the dedicated support of teachers, administrators, staff, and families.
And, this wouldn’t be possible without the support of the community.
Lifeboost is blessed to be a part of a community that values these powerful and lasting educational opportunities for such students.
So, we are abundantly happy to donate our clean, healthy, and delicious coffee to play a small part in the present and future success of THRIVE students.

We’re not only honored to receive this Community Member Award, but we’re inspired to continue living out our 4 core pillars, those which, if we get right down to it, are truly being exemplified in the THRIVE Program and its students.
CLEAN - We provide clean coffee for the students to prepare and sell to teachers and staff, and those recipients are enjoying a truly pure, clean, and tasty cup.
CAUSE - We believe in supporting those causes we believe in, and these students are absolutely worthy of our (and your) support.
Children are our future, and as the MSD of Wayne Township clearly declared, all students need these important skills, knowledge, and values to develop their true potential.
By supporting the THRIVE students, we’re supporting the future of our community, and these students are also learning the value of contributing as they serve others.
CONNECTION - Not only have we been afforded the opportunity to connect with students through donating coffee, each child in the THRIVE Program is also learning the value of connection through each coffee transaction - connecting with one another as they work towards a common goal, and connecting with frequent customers (teachers and staff) who come for the coffee and return for the exceptional service and opportunity to support these fabulous students.
KINDNESS - I suppose you could say, by receiving this award, Lifeboost has been recognized for our kindness in supporting and partnering with the THRIVE Program, but the greatest kindness here, I believe, is most evident in the smile on each student’s face.
Personally, I can see their contagious happiness written across their faces. And, as they serve coffee, learn life skills and lessons, further their education, and go on to become lifelong learners and needed members of our society, I hope they will always keep this key factor (kindness) before them.
Students, you have so much to offer your school, your community, and this world. We’re honored to receive this Community Member Award for our partnership with you, and we can’t wait to see you continue to grow, flourish, and thrive!
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Becky is a mother, educator, and content writer for Lifeboost Coffee. She has had three years’ experience as a writer, and in that time she has enjoyed creatively composing articles and ebooks covering the topics of coffee, health and fitness, education, recipes, and relationships.