Coffee Combats These 6 Common Health Risks For Men

11 min read JUN 27, 2024

Knowing is half the battle…”

Children of the 80’s grew accustomed to hearing the above line from their real American hero, GI Joe. But, this saying doesn’t apply to youngsters alone…

Today we want to focus our time discussing the top health risks common to men.

Such as:

Heart disease - Did you know that one in four adult men are at risk of dying from heart disease?

Cancer - When we think of cancer risks for men, our minds often go to prostate cancer. And, while it’s certainly true that men are at risk of developing this type of cancer, they are also more prone to lung cancer.

Injury - Men are commonly thought to take more risks than women, but even unintentional injuries are far more common in men than women.

And, this brief list only scratches the surface. So, we’d like to take some time to examine more of the top health risks threatening men today.


Because, knowing these risks is a man’s first line of defense, or to put it in GI Joe terms, knowing these risks is half the battle.

The premise behind this popular 1980’s saying is that knowing or learning something is only the beginning, as such knowledge then requires action.

So, as we look at these risks, we’ll also list ways that coffee can help men combat these threats.

Now for the first half of the battle for health and wellness in men…

6 Common Health Risks For Men

Fair or not, there are some health concerns that are more prominent in men than women.

And, health experts explain these risks in the following ways:

- Some male health risks can be linked to behaviors. For instance, men typically engage in behaviors that commonly lead to greater instances of injury and disease.

- Research suggests men typically eat fewer healthy foods than women, making them more vulnerable to poor health outcomes.

- Generally speaking, women tend to gain weight in their hips and thighs, while men often gain weight in their midsection which puts them at a greater risk for heart disease

- Men lack the protective measures of hormones like estrogen, making them more vulnerable to both heart disease and neurological diseases. In fact, men are 50% more likely to develop Parkinson’s disease than women.

- Some scientists have even described men as being “biologically weaker” due to their propensity to develop diseases either more often than women, earlier, or to a greater degree of severity.

So, now that we know, for the most part, why men are prone to certain health concerns, let’s examine the top risks they face today.

1- Heart Disease

Heart disease is actually the greatest threat to both men and women in the United States; however, males are even more susceptible to this disease than women as they commonly develop heart disease much earlier than females.


Well, one of the biggest risk factors for heart disease is high cholesterol, and women naturally have higher levels of good, protective cholesterol as they produce estrogen.

Lacking this hormone, men typically have higher cholesterol levels, putting them at greater risk of heart disease.

Men also typically have apple-shaped bodies, carrying excess weight in their midsection.

This type of fat, in one’s midsection, is known as visceral fat, and it greatly increases the risk for developing heart disease.

Some symptoms of a heart attack include:

- Nausea
- Cold sweats
- Shortness of breath
- Upper body discomfort (one or both arms, back, neck, jaw, stomach)
- Chest discomfort (pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain)

2- Cancer

Cancer is another major health risk for men, and there are a few specific types of cancer that threaten men the most.

According to the CDC, the leading causes of cancer death in men are lung, prostate, and colorectal cancer.

Smoking is considered to be one of the leading causes of lung cancer, and one in three men (compared to only 8% of women) smoke.

We’ll get to the ways coffee can combat this in a moment, but aside from this, one of the main preventative measures men can take in regards to lung cancer is to stop smoking.

Concerning both prostate and colorectal cancer, many experts believe prevention to be impossible; however, regular screenings are proven to increase early detection in both of these diseases, and this saves lives!

Some symptoms of lung cancer include:

- Shortness of breath
- Persistent cough
- Weight loss
- Wheezing
- Coughing up blood
- Chest pain

Some symptoms of prostate cancer include:

- Frequent need to urinate, especially at night
- Painful urination
- Difficulty starting urination
- Weak flow of urine
- Painful ejaculation
- Blood in urine or semen

Some symptoms of colorectal cancer include:

- Changes in bowel habits
- Chronic abdominal discomfort
- Weakness
- Fatigue
- Unexplained weight loss

3- Parkinson’s Disease

Men are at least 1.5 times more likely to develop Parkinson’s disease than women.

Scientists believe this may be due to the protective measures women receive from producing estrogen.

And, some studies have also led researchers to believe that “Parkinson’s disease may have a genetic link to the male X chromosome.”

Studies have failed to find a direct link to Parkinson’s prevention, but regular exercise and healthy nutrition are thought to be amongst potentially preventative measures.

Some symptoms of Parkinson’s disease include:

- Uncontrollable shaking
- Stiffening of muscles
- Difficulty moving or walking
- Trouble sleeping
- Loss of smell

4- Gout And Kidney Stones

Gout is a type of arthritis, and it is typically caused by a high concentration of uric acid in the body.

As women’s bodies seem to be better equipped at flushing out these excess levels of uric acid, men are more likely to be afflicted by gout.

Gout is often described as a “silent disease” as most people don’t realize they have it until they experience painful symptoms, such as pain, redness, and swelling in a joint (most commonly the big toe).

Those individuals with gout are also at a higher risk of developing kidney stones as extra uric acid can cause the formation of urate crystals which build up in the urinary tract and cause stones.

Proper hydration, weight management, avoiding alcohol and consuming red meats and sugar in moderation are said to reduce the risk of gout.

Other symptoms of gout include:

- Sudden severe pain in joints
- Tenderness in joints
- Discoloration or redness in affected joint

5- Depression/Suicide

Men account for 79% of all suicide deaths in the US, and depression is said to be one of the most important risk factors in suicide.

Unfortunately, male depression is commonly undiagnosed.

Men are less likely to seek help for depression, but men also experience depression differently than women, which makes this illness more difficult to recognize.

Meditation, talking to a trusted friend or professional, reducing stress, eating well, exercising, and avoiding the urge to self-medicate are all proven methods of reducing or preventing depression. (Thankfully, coffee can help too…more on that below.)

Some symptoms of depression, specifically in men, include:

- Fatigue
- Irritability or moodiness
- Slow changes in personality
- Feelings of worthlessness
- Sleep disturbances
- Loss of interest in work or activities

6- Diabetes

Men are almost twice as likely to develop type 2 diabetes as women.

Sugar intake, dietary patterns, smoking, alcohol consumption, and even where you carry excess weight all play a role in the development of diabetes.

So obviously, managing weight, eating a balanced, healthy diet, getting plenty of exercise, and avoiding smoking and alcohol are most commonly recommended as the best measures to prevent diabetes.

This disease is sometimes referred to as a silent killer because nearly a third of people with diabetes do not realize they have it.

Some symptoms of diabetes include:

- Frequent urination
- Excessive thirst
- Unexplained weight loss
- Excessive hunger
- Increased fatigue
- Blurred vision
- Irritability

How Can Coffee Combat Common Health Risks In Men

Now that we’ve detailed the risks, let’s examine them again (in order) as we consider some ways coffee can mitigate these threats!

1- Heart Disease

Studies have shown that caffeinated coffee can effectively reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering levels of “bad” or LDL cholesterol.

The caffeine content of coffee sometimes gets a bad rep as sensitive individuals may experience an increase in heart rate upon consumption, but researchers have found for most folks that coffee can actually improve or correct dangerous heart rhythms.

In fact, drinking 2-3 cups of clean, healthy, caffeinated coffee has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, decrease the likelihood of dangerous heart rhythms, and it’s associated with living a longer life.

The caffeine content of coffee has also been shown to boost your metabolic rate and aid in fat burning. This coffee component can boost physical performance as well, improving workout efforts which can subsequently aid in weight loss or healthy weight management.

As excess weight puts you at risk for developing heart disease, incorporating clean coffee (minus an abundance of sugar and artificial creamers or sweeteners) can aid a man’s journey to optimal heart health.

2- Cancer

Many studies have shown coffee to reduce the risk of numerous cancers.

This is thought to be attributed to the fact that coffee contains anti-inflammatory agents and polyphenolic antioxidants.

Oxidative stress and damage by free radicals plays a very big role in the development and spread of cancer in the body.

And, the type of antioxidants found in coffee combat the risk of multiple cancers by protecting cells from this type of cancer-causing damage.

By neutralizing free radicals, cancer and many other life threatening diseases can potentially be prevented.

Inflammation, specifically chronic inflammation, damages your DNA, and this leads to the development of cancer as well.

But, the anti-inflammatory agents in coffee actually work to block the production of inflammatory compounds, stopping cancer before it starts.

While one study found a higher risk of lung cancer in heavy coffee drinkers, these findings were considered inconclusive as the study did not take into account the number of smokers. (Smoking is regularly associated with drinking coffee.)

3- Parkinson’s Disease

Studies have shown coffee to be effective at reducing the tremors that are distinctly common in Parkinson’s sufferers. And, these same components of coffee have also been proven to protect cells in the brain from inflammatory damage (common in Parkinson’s sufferers).

Lab studies in mice have shown other compounds in coffee to be effective in protecting against dopamine neuron loss, even when administered in very small doses.

And, in Asian men, 4 cups of caffeinated coffee was found to reduce the risk of Parkinson’s by 4-8 times (in men with Asian gene variants linked to Parkinson’s Disease)!

4- Gout And Kidney Stones

Research has shown that regularly drinking caffeinated coffee, in moderation, is an effective way to reduce the risk of gout.

Some studies have shown that drinking just one cup of coffee per day reduced the risk of gout in both men and women.

And, studies focusing solely on men found that those males who drank 4-5 cups of caffeinated coffee daily reduced their risk of gout by 40%.

Researchers cannot definitively explain this reduction, but they have hypothesized that the polyphenol content of coffee may suppress the process of breaking down purine to uric acid, thereby reducing the build up of this gout-causing acid in the body.

5- Depression/Suicide

Caffeine and other beneficial compounds in coffee have been shown to both reduce the risk of depression as well as lessen the effects of depressive episodes.

Studies show those people suffering from depression have higher levels of oxidative stress in the blood, and the polyphenols in coffee work to decrease oxidative stress.

Folks with depression also have higher levels of inflammation-related proteins in their blood, and coffee possess anti-inflammatory properties. We’ve already seen today how effective these compounds are at reducing inflammation throughout the body.

For further proof though, many reviews have seen evidence throughout multiple bodies of research showing coffee’s ability to decrease depression by reducing inflammation.

Caffeine also plays a role as this substance in coffee works to block chemicals within the brain that depress mood.

Another factor in the case of depression surrounds gut health, as this is closely linked to mental health.

Here, a deficiency of needed gut bacteria is common in depressed individuals, and coffee reduces the risk of depression by acting as a prebiotic, increasing the good bacteria in the gut, and “enhancing the creation of fatty acids and neurotransmitters that confer mental health benefits.”

Overall, drinking coffee has been found to reduce the risk of depression by one third.

And, other studies have found similarly promising results:

- One study in Spain found those individuals who drank 4 cups of coffee daily were 20% less likely to be diagnosed with clinically significant depression.

- Another study found those people who regularly drank at least 2 cups of coffee daily “experienced a 32% lower prevalence of self reported depression.”

6- Diabetes

Drinking an extra cup of joe each day may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes as recent research has found adding another cup of coffee daily was linked to a 4-6% reduced risk of developing the disease.

Still, other studies have found that consuming an additional cup daily reduced the risk of diabetes by at least 11%.

Researchers believe these benefits are experienced due to coffee’s ability to improve how the body processes glucose.

And, as inflammation is a major contributing factor to the development of diabetes, it is believed that coffee’s anti-inflammatory properties play a role in this risk reduction as well.

Medical Disclaimer
This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Charles Livingston nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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Headshot of Becky Livingston Vance
Becky Livingston Vance Content writer

Becky is a mother, educator, and content writer for Lifeboost Coffee. She has had three years’ experience as a writer, and in that time she has enjoyed creatively composing articles and ebooks covering the topics of coffee, health and fitness, education, recipes, and relationships.


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