19 Exquisite Coffee Brewing Techniques for the Ultimate Cup of Coffee

36 min read DEC 14, 2023

Are you looking to brew coffee at home? With many new and innovative coffee brewing methods available today, selecting a go-to method can pose a challenge. Cold drip? Pour-over? AeroPress? Maybe you're a devoted French press brewer. But unless you've sampled them all, how can you truly grasp what you might be missing?

This comprehensive guide aims to lead you through renowned coffee brewing techniques, both traditional and modern. It strives to ignite your passion for exploration and experimentation, embracing every conceivable approach to brewing coffee. So, delve into the following pages and prepare yourself for an extraordinary journey toward the ultimate cup of coffee.

A Concise Overview of Coffee Brewing Techniques

  • Machine pour-over coffee makers
  • Manual pour-over coffee makers
  • Percolator
  • Vacuum/siphon pot
  • Coffee bag
  • French press
  • Aeropress
  • Stovetop espresso maker
  • Hand-held espresso maker
  • Espresso machine

    As the coffee industry evolves and innovates, new methods and types of coffee makers continuously emerge. Please refer to the concise bullet point above for a comprehensive list of existing methods.

    Brewing Using Pressure

    When pressure-brewed coffee, the term 'espresso' often comes to mind. However, various methods to brew coffee use pressure, extending beyond the traditional espresso machine. Pressure-brewed coffee involves extracting coffee under pressure, resulting in quicker extraction times and a more robust brew than other brewing styles.

    Now, let's explore the three most popular methods of brewing coffee using pressure: the espresso machine, the Moka pot, and the AeroPress brewer.

    1. Espresso Machine

    Coffee enthusiasts are no strangers to the espresso machine. This trusted companion has been providing us with caffeination since 1901. Nowadays, espresso machines come in various shapes and sizes, boasting various features. Amidst the flashy options, the essence remains the same: pressurized water passing through finely-ground coffee beans, housed within a chamber or puck, and filters, resulting in the beloved shot of espresso.

    Are espresso machines expensive? The answer is both yes and no. The flexible price range allows you to spend as little or as much as you desire. However, it's important to note that choosing the right one can be overwhelming. Before deciding, consider the type of espresso machine that suits your needs. Luckily, they have buying guides for each category, including home espresso machines, fully automatic coffee machines, manual lever machines, compact portable espresso makers, and commercial coffee machines.

    For those who appreciate a more artisanal or traditional approach, a lever espresso machine you pump by hand offers an exceptional brewing experience. On the other hand, if you prefer a coffee brewing method that does all the work for you, super-automatic espresso machines like these are an excellent choice.


     What To Expect

    • Timing: From Bean to Brew: The time required varies depending on your machine. A commercial machine may take 15-40 minutes to warm up, while a home-based machine may only need 3 minutes. However, you can savor your drink in 20-30 seconds once warmed up.
    • Grind Type: A fine and consistent grind is essential. Here's a trade secret: pinch your grind and observe. It should clump in your fingertips. It won't clump at all if it's too coarse, and if it's too fine, it will clump excessively.
    • Brew Result: A properly made shot of espresso is robust, vibrant, and brimming with flavor. Add hot water to create an Americano, or steam some milk for a milk-based coffee.
      • Skill Level: The required skill level depends on your machine. Some machines effortlessly produce a great shot, while others (especially the more commercial and manual types) demand a high skill level, hence the necessity for barista schools. Here's a guide to help you start using an espresso machine. For optimal results, use a good tamper and high-quality espresso beans.

    IDEAL FOR YOU: If you savor the velvety richness of a creamy coffee, such as a latte, or crave a swift and invigorating caffeine kick, an espresso machine is the perfect choice. The unparalleled flavor of espresso is unmatched by any other brewing method.

    NOT RECOMMENDED FOR: If you prefer a more subtle and nuanced taste in your brew, if you're not inclined to make a substantial investment in a coffee maker, or if you're constrained by limited space, especially if you frequently travel, an espresso machine would only burden your life with unnecessary baggage.


    •  Brews quickly once preheated
    • Offers a diverse selection with varying price points and qualities, catering to different budgets and preferences
    • Delivers rich and concentrated caffeinated brews


    •  Lower-priced machines may produce subpar results
    • Takes up valuable kitchen counter space
    • Cleaning thoroughly can be a challenging task

    2. Brewing Coffee with a Moka Pot or Stovetop Espresso Maker

    Looking for that refreshing kick of a pressurized brew but don't have a couple of hundred dollars to spare on an espresso machine? Enter the perfect alternative, the stovetop espresso maker or the Moka pot.

    The Moka pot's magic lies in its three-chamber brewing process. As the water in the bottom chamber reaches boiling point, the resulting steam generates pressure that propels the water up through the coffee grounds and into the top chamber.
    Now, is the resulting beverage the same as an espresso shot? Not quite.

    However, with some skill and mastery of the technique, you'll be rewarded with a bittersweet and remarkably strong concoction that will power you through the day. Check out the comprehensive guide on brewing Moka pot coffee.

    One major advantage of the Moka pot is its ability to brew multiple cups of coffee at once, ranging from four to sixteen servings. It's the perfect way to caffeinate a crowd.

    What To Expect

    • Time: Lightning-fast - Once your water is heated, it should only take approximately 5 minutes (slightly longer with an induction stove). It makes it the go-to option for those yearning for a caffeine fix during a hectic morning rush.
    • Type of grind required: This is where things can become a bit intricate. As a general guideline, aim for a grind coarser than espresso but finer than drip coffee. If uncertainty arises, the best approach is trial and error. Begin with a coarse grind and gradually adjust until you achieve the desired texture and flavor.
    • Rule of thumb: If your brew is too weak or watery, it indicates you've gone too coarse (under-extracted). Conversely, if it turns out excessively bitter, it's a sign that you've gone too fine (over-extracted).
    • Resulting brew: Though it may not emulate an espresso shot precisely, it comes remarkably close when utilizing the proper grind and technique. Expect a bold and robust coffee with a distinctive flavor.
      • Skill level required: Fear not; you don't need to possess a professional barista's skills to master this technique. The process becomes relatively simple once you've attained the perfect grind (which can be the most challenging part). Just fill the chambers, switch on the heat, and keep a vigilant eye on it.

     IDEAL FOR YOU: If you're on a budget or prefer a highly portable option but aren't a fan of drip coffee's clean and subtle taste, they have a collection of the top moka pots for you to consider.

    NOT IDEAL FOR YOU: However, if you truly savor the rich flavor and velvety texture of a shot of espresso, it's important to note that the resulting brew from a moka pot can be quite robust and even slightly intense. If this isn't your preferred style, they recommend exploring other alternatives.


    • Budget-friendly coffee maker
    • Quick brewing time
      • Highly portable with mini pots available for travel


    • Some users may find the brew reminiscent of low-quality espresso from the past
    • Risk of over or under-extraction depending on grind fines

     3. Aeropress

    The AeroPress has gained a devoted following among the coffee community, especially those who love to travel. Its appearance may resemble a scientific project rather than a typical coffee maker, but they believe it is a game-changing invention for coffee enthusiasts. Many claim that it produces the most exceptional coffee they have ever tasted.

    Simplicity is key. You can brew an excellent cup of coffee in just minutes by maintaining the perfect water temperature, air pressure, and grind size. It is one of the fastest coffee makers available. When you own an AeroPress, you possess a straightforward three-piece tool that effortlessly crafts remarkable coffee. Its true brilliance lies in its versatility, capable of producing regular AeroPress cold brew, AeroPress coffee, and even AeroPress espresso. Moreover, it can be ingeniously modified for a zero-bypass brewing method.

    What To Expect

      • Time: From Bean to Brew: There are several ways to make coffee using the Aeropress method. If you're short on time, it can be done in 60 seconds once your water is hot enough. It's worth mentioning that cleanup is a breeze.
      • Type of grind required: Here's the exciting part - the grind doesn't matter! Your choice of grind size will yield different results, so select the right grind based on your mood.
      • Resulting brew: The brew is visually appealing and delightfully flavorful. It offers a clean taste, distinct from a French press or Moka pot coffee. In just four words, they would describe it as smooth, rich, pure, and fast (which might as well be the Aeropress slogan).
      • Skill level required: Using the Aeropress is so easy that even your cat could do it. However, don't rest on your laurels. You can explore other brewing methods and techniques once you've mastered the basic Aeropress brew.

    Ideal for coffee lovers on the go: Whether you're a traveler or simply appreciate a quick, clean, and superb-tasting brew, the AeroPress is the ultimate companion. Calling all camping enthusiasts! The AeroPress is a must-have, ticking all the boxes. For a unique brewing experience, don't forget to try the inverted method.

    Not for everyone, but hear out: They might be slightly biased, but they genuinely believe every coffee drinker should have an AeroPress. However, it might not align with your preferences if you're not keen on wastage or using a paper coffee filter.


    • Highly portable - can be taken anywhere without the risk of breakage thanks to its BPA-free plastic construction.
    • Offers a high level of customization for your brew, allowing for creative experimentation.
      • Delivers a superb and clean cup of coffee.


    •  Requires the use of paper filters, resulting in waste.
    • Limited to brewing two coffees per rotation, which can be tedious when serving a larger group of people.

    Brewing Via Steeping

    Steeping, or immersion, is the oldest and most fundamental method of brewing coffee. It involves combining coffee grounds directly with hot water, allowing them to work their magic, and then separating the coffee from the soaked grounds.

    However, achieving the perfect balance between overstepping and understating your brew is key. Steep it too early, and you'll end up with a weak cup; steep it for too long, leaving you with a typically bitter brew. The good news is that mastering the art of steeping is not complicated. When executed correctly, you'll unlock unique flavors in the coffee beans you never knew existed.

    The French press is the most commonly used tool for steeping coffee; they'll delve into it in detail. Additionally, they'll explore other methods, such as soft brew, coffee bags, and the vacuum pot.

    4. French Press

    The French press is distinguished as the unofficial mascot of home-brewed coffee. Its history dates back generations, earning a devoted and passionate following within the home barista community.

    There are numerous reasons behind this enduring love affair, but one stands out above all: its simplicity. With an affordable price tag, the French press offers a brewing experience, unlike any other method, resulting in a distinct taste and texture. They have curated a list for you if you're searching for an exceptional French press coffee maker.

    However, avoiding a common mistake that compromises French press coffee worldwide is crucial: using the wrong coffee grind. To ensure an authentic French press experience, refer to the comprehensive guide on mastering this magnificent brewing device.

    What To Expect

    • Time: From Bean to Brew: The process is not lightning fast, but it's also not painfully slow. It takes about 10 minutes from almost boiling the water to steeping and plunging. However, the French press requires your undivided attention during the steeping phase.
    • Type of grind required: Only a coarse grind will suffice. A too-fine grind will result in particles getting stuck in the filter and ending up in your finished brew.
    • Resulting brew: The brew will be a distinct, aromatic coffee that is smooth and bursting with a flavor unique to the beans you use. However, there might be some sediment, so avoiding drinking the last few sips of each cup is advisable.
    • Skill level required: Making a French press is an easy task. On the other hand, making the perfect French press presents a bit more of a challenge. Overall, you will achieve the desired results effortlessly by following instructions like the ones provided here.


    • Provides a distinctive and unparalleled flavor
    • Easy to use with proper guidance
    • Enables brewing of large quantities of coffee effortlessly


    • The taste may not align with individual preferences
    • Achieving the perfect steeping can be challenging and is a common mistake when using the French press

    5. The SoftBrew

    Introduced in 2010, the SoftBrew is a relatively recent invention described as both "primitive yet high tech." While the exact interpretation of this description may be unclear, a simplified explanation of the SoftBrew would compare it to a French press but with added convenience.

    What makes this device stand out is its simplicity. Simply fill the SoftBrew stainless steel filter with ground coffee, pour in hot water, let it steep for 4-8 minutes, and then serve. It operates much like a teapot, with no need for any magic tricks.

    The true beauty of this gadget lies in its unique coffee filter, often referred to as "high-tech." Equipped with hundreds of thousands of minuscule holes, it can accommodate grinds of any size, even those that are super fine.

    Embrace the SoftBrew and experience the perfect harmony of simplicity and innovation as you savor your ideal cup of coffee.

    What To Expect

    • Process: From Bean to Brew
    • Time: Once you have your hot water, allow 4-8 minutes for the magic to unfold.
    • Grind: No restrictions! Explore the realm of possibilities with any desired grind size.
    • Resulting brew: Resembling a French press, the unique coffee filter intentionally permits infusion of a grind size smaller than 150 microns (yes, it's tiny!) to imbue the brew with depth, flavor, and body. It's akin to a French press but boasts a cleaner finish.
    • Skill level required: None. With the SoftBrew, you can effortlessly craft an exceptional coffee, even with your eyes shut and hands tied. That's how it was truly meant to be.


    • Intuitive user interface
    • Swift and efficient performance
    • Multiple size options are available


    • Fragile construction with ceramic materials, not ideal for travel

    6. Coffee Bags

    The allure of instant coffee is undeniable – it comes in a convenient jar, is perfect for on-the-go, and can be swiftly prepared by adding hot water. However, there is a noteworthy drawback: its flavor leaves much to be desired. Enter coffee bags – the ideal solution for those seeking an alternative to the lackluster taste of instant coffee.

    You can relish in a freshly brewed cup by utilizing ground coffee in a filter bag, which is then immersed directly into hot water. If you find yourself in a tight financial situation or prefer a hands-on approach, crafting your coffee bags is straightforward. You can easily find a tutorial to guide you through the process.

    As with any steeping method, it is crucial to be mindful of the brewing time to prevent overstepping, but that is the only potential pitfall.

    What To Expect

    • Time: From Bean to Brew: This brewing method is unrivaled when it comes to speed. Your brew will be ready in 3-4 minutes without grinding or preheating.
    • Type of grind needed: If you opt for pre-made coffee bags, the choice is predetermined. However, a medium-fine grind is recommended if you prefer to make your own. While any size will work, a finer grind will enhance the flavor.
    • Resulting brew: While it may not reach the same level as freshly ground and properly stored beans, it still surpasses instant coffee in taste.
    • Skill level required: Can you make tea? Then you've got this!


    • No need for expensive coffee-making equipment
    • Highly portable and convenient
    • Cost-effective - simply request a cup of hot water (on a plane or at a drive-through), and you're nearly enjoying a free cup of coffee.


    • Sacrificing the delightful taste of freshly ground beans
    • Increased waste - not environmentally friendly

    7. Vacuum Pot (Siphon Coffee)

    The siphon pot, also known as the vacuum pot, offers a unique method of brewing coffee. Combining different brewing techniques creates a full immersion brew where the coffee grounds mingle with the water. Through siphon action, this process produces a remarkably flavorful cup of coffee.

    Brewing coffee using this method is far from simple; it requires considerable effort and attention to detail. It may not be suitable for everyday use unless you have ample time to spare. Some enthusiasts swear by the exceptional taste it delivers, although they consider it more of a novelty or a way to impress your friends with your brewing prowess.

    However, it's important to exercise caution when using a siphon brewer, as it may raise eyebrows among your neighbors if they mistake it for a methamphetamine cooking apparatus. If you're interested, they have reviewed the favorite siphon brewers in a separate post, and you may find the guide on how to use a siphon coffee maker quite helpful.

    What To Expect

    • Time: From Bean to Brew: Allow yourself approximately 10 minutes. It's important to note that cleaning the siphon pot can be challenging.
    • Type of grind required: For optimal results, a medium to coarse grind, similar to that used for a Chemex brew, is recommended.
    • Resulting brew: The brew is exceptionally clean and flavorful when executed correctly. Since the coffee only comes into contact with glass, it delivers the purest taste you'll experience in a while.
    • Skill level needed: This brewing method is quite involved, and it's crucial to follow the steps meticulously. If you possess a scientific mindset or have experience cooking with precision, you'll have no trouble mastering it.


    • When executed properly, it produces the most exquisite coffee flavor endorsed by coffee connoisseurs.
    • Astound your friends with your unparalleled expertise in coffee.


    • Requires advanced brewing skills, so expect a few mishaps along the way.
    • Delicate and not suitable for travel.
    • If you're simply seeking a quick cup of joe, this method can be quite bothersome.

    Brewing Using Dripping Or Filtration

    Filtration or drip coffee has recently gained immense popularity within the coffee community. Every month, a new and innovative dripper with a unique design emerges. Maintaining an up-to-date list of beloved pour-over brewers is a constant challenge.

    The comprehensive coverage includes pour-over drip coffee, slow dripping, cold brewing dripping, and everything in between. They assume you will start with whole beans and freshly grind them, as this is the optimal way to brew.
    The brewing process is simple: pour water over freshly ground beans in a filter of your choice. Gravity facilitates the water passing through the grounds, resulting in a clean, clear, and light-bodied brew. For precise pouring, they recommend using a gooseneck kettle.

    In the realm of drip-style coffee brewing, less is more. Most drippers are compact, portable, and affordable, making them an excellent choice for brewing small batches of delicious coffee. They highly recommend the electric percolator, the Chemex, the Beehouse dripper, the Melitta Ready Set Joe dripper, the Vietnamese dripper, the Kalita Wave, the Hario V60, and the cold-drip method. These options will elevate your coffee experience beyond the ubiquitous Mr. Coffee.

    8. Electric Percolator

    While not a revolutionary or innovative device in the world of coffee, the percolator has a longstanding presence. If you've ever been to a modest diner in the northern hemisphere, chances are you've been served percolated coffee.

    There are rumors that some individuals enjoy percolated coffee, but the person who shared this information with me also claimed that pigs fly. Percolators face disdain from coffee connoisseurs because of their disregard for the essence of the coffee bean.

    The brewing process in a percolator involves boiling the coffee multiple times, resulting in over-extraction and a bitter, murky outcome. Not exactly enticing.

    If you believe that any coffee is better than no coffee at all, you might be able to salvage that murky concoction into a somewhat drinkable brew. After all, anything is possible.

    What To Expect

    • From Bean to Brew: Time is of the essence when it comes to achieving optimal coffee. While the percolator instructions may suggest a 10-minute percolation time, this can adversely affect the flavor of your coffee. Instead, try reducing the brewing time to a mere 3-4 minutes for better results.
    • Type of Grind Required: To further enhance your coffee experience, it is crucial to utilize a coarse grind. Using a fine grind will only exacerbate the existing flaws in your coffee.
    • Resulting Brew: While the resulting brew may not be exceptionally extraordinary, by employing a bit of finesse through a coarse grind and limiting the percolation time to 4 minutes, you can achieve a cup that is certainly drinkable. However, expecting every sip to be a moment of sheer anticipation would be unrealistic.
    • Skill Level Required: No special skills are necessary. Simply add coffee and water, then switch on the brewing process.


    • Convenient and effortless brewing
    • Infuses your home with the delightful aroma of coffee


    • Yields a subpar coffee experience - bitter and scorching hot
    • Requires regular cleaning for optimal flavor and health benefits

    9. Chemex Brewer

    Upon first glance, the Chemex brewer may resemble a vase rather than a coffee maker, yet its unique design serves a purpose: delivering exceptional coffee with a touch of elegance. Allow them to present a comprehensive review of the Chemex coffee maker and a guide on its usage.

    Compared to other drippers, one of the notable advantages of the Chemex is its remarkable capacity. With this brewer, effortlessly conjure 3 to 4 cups at once, which is ideal for hosting a gathering of friends. Moreover, a 10-cup Chemex option is available to accommodate up to 50 ounces of water. Truly, it stands as the ultimate companion for any host.

    Nevertheless, like other drippers, utilizing the Chemex necessitates attention to detail. Achieving the perfect cup of coffee entails mastering elements such as grind size, water temperature, and coffee volume. Yet, fret not, as once you have honed your skills, prepare to be enamored by the enchanting allure of this brewing method.

    What To Expect

    • Time: From Bean to Brew: The brewing process takes three and a half minutes, from the initial setup to the moment you savor a delightful cup of coffee.
    • Grind Type Recommendation: Experiment with different grind sizes to find the perfect match for your taste buds. Aim for a medium to coarse grind, slightly inclined towards the medium side.
    • Resulting Brew Excellence: Chemex filters are approximately 30% thicker than those used in other drippers. It results in a more flavorful cup of coffee, reminiscent of a French press, without any sediment.
    • Skill Level and Practice: Becoming a master of the Chemex brew requires practice, as there are multiple ways to over or under-extract the coffee's essence.


    • Brew multiple cups (3-4) all at once
    • Indulge in an exquisitely rich and aromatic blend
    • Elevate your coffee experience with a visually captivating brewing method


    • Potential for over and under extraction
    • Excessive for those desiring only 1-2 cups

    10. Hario V60

    The Hario V60 is a remarkable yet simple coffee brewing tool. With its compact and lightweight design, you can enjoy an exceptional cup of coffee wherever you go. The V60's simplicity, portability, and functionality make it an essential addition to your coffee arsenal. But there's more! They have comprehensively reviewed the V60 to give you even more reasons to love it.

    At first glance, the V60 may seem deceptively simple, but it's true brilliance lies in its ingeniously designed cone-dripping system. It features a generously sized hole at the base and spiral ribs along the sides, ensuring a flawlessly smooth extraction. Just insert a paper filter, add your preferred coffee grounds, and you're ready to embark on a brewing journey. While mastering the perfect brew requires some technique, with a little practice, you'll become a V60 virtuoso in no time. The step-by-step guide provides invaluable tips for honing your V60 brewing skills.

    What To Expect

    • Brewing Time: From Bean to Brew, you'll only need 30 seconds to bloom and 3 minutes to pour, allowing you to savor your coffee in under 5 minutes. How efficient!
    • Grind Type: Opt for a medium-fine grind to achieve remarkable results.
    • Resulting Brew: Expect a brew that captures the essence of those coffee beans with rich flavors devoid of bitterness. It promises to be a refreshing and satisfying experience.
    • Skill Level Required: The brewing process is remarkably straightforward, although the pouring technique does offer room for some variation. The advantage lies in having full control over your brew, allowing you to customize your coffee to your taste if you're feeling adventurous.


    • Brews high-quality coffee rapidly
    • Effortless to clean
    • Surprisingly affordable, starting at just $9


    • Requires special filters that must be purchased online (make sure to have an adequate supply in stock)

    11. Kalita Wave Brewer

    The Kalita Wave Dripper is considered the ultimate rival to the Hario V60, as it provides tough competition. While it shares a similar cone-shaped dripping system with the V60, the Kalita Wave distinguishes itself with its flat-bed design. This design allows for longer dwell times and minimizes potential errors. It has quickly become a beloved choice for home brewing enthusiasts.

    This dripper has gained immense popularity among coffee fans for a good reason - it consistently delivers an exceptional brew, time after time. When it comes to choosing a daily brewing method, reliability and consistency are paramount. Are you looking for some brewing tips for the Kalita Wave?

    What To Expect

    • Brewing Time: From Bean to Brew: Brewing a perfect cup of coffee is a 3-minute process with this dripper and a little extra time (around 30-50 seconds) for the bloom. It's a quick and efficient method.
    • Grind Type: Fine and Consistent: For optimal results, use a fine grind that resembles the consistency of table salt. It ensures that the coffee grounds are evenly extracted.
    • The Result: A Delightfully Rich Brew: This pour-over dripper produces a coffee with a rich and clean flavor profile, similar to other pour-over methods. It's a delightful experience for coffee enthusiasts.
    • Skill Level: Simple and Precise: The design of this dripper leaves little room for error, making it straightforward to use. Mastering it is all about the slow and controlled spiraling pour, which adds finesse to your


    • Delivers a rich and flavorful brew in record time
    • Effortless to clean, saving you valuable time and effort
    • Remarkably budget-friendly, with prices starting as low as $9


    • Necessitates the use of specialized filters, which must be procured online (remember to keep sufficient stock on hand)

    12. Vietnamese Phin

    The dripper, a 'Phin,' is a single-cup brewing device that offers a quick and convenient way to make pour-over coffee. It's perfect for those who crave a fast and delicious brew on the go. What sets the Vietnamese dripper apart is its simplicity. You don't need advanced skills or fancy pouring techniques. Just add water and wait.

    But what makes the Vietnamese dripper truly special? It's a must-have tool for iced coffee lovers. If you enjoy iced coffee, this fantastic device will help you create some of the most exceptional brews in the industry.

    What To Expect

    • Brewing Time: From bean to brew in just 4-5 minutes, your perfect cup awaits.
    • Grind Type: Opt for a fairly coarse grind, reminiscent of a French press but with more finesse.
    • Resulting Brew: Indulge in a unique flavor profile - less bite than espresso, yet remarkably smooth and clean, surpassing the French press. With no paper filters, the oils seamlessly infuse into the brew, imparting a richness akin to the depths of a French press.
    • Skill Level: Simply follow straightforward instructions and master the art quickly. It's far less intricate and demanding than other drippers, granting you an effortless brewing experience.


    • Easy to master
    • Perfect for brewing a single serving of coffee
    • Lightweight, portable, and durable


    • Limited to brewing one cup at a time
    • The absence of a paper filter may lead to some sediment in the cup, especially with a fine grind.

    13. Melitta Ready Set Joe (A Plastic, Portable Cone)

    The Melitta Ready Set Joe dripper is the ultimate choice for convenience, making it the perfect companion for coffee-loving camping enthusiasts. They have included this brewer in the list as it represents a rapidly expanding segment of the coffee market.

    This simple plastic dripping cone brews coffee with remarkable speed. While it may not deliver the same level of quality as other drippers, its affordability, and portability have made it a beloved favorite among campers and travelers alike.

    What To Expect

    • Brewing Time: From Bean to Brew in just 4-5 minutes, and you'll have a satisfying caffeine fix.
    • Grind Type: Opt for a medium-fine grind for the best results.
    • Brewed Perfection: While not as extraordinary as an advanced dripper, it still surpasses cowboy coffee.
    • Skill Level: Minimal effort is required - it's as simple as possible.


    • Affordable - you can get one for just a few coins.
    • Highly portable and lightweight.
    • Extremely easy to clean.


    • Not exceptional when it comes to brewed coffee (it's made of plastic).
    • Only produces a single serving per brew.

    14. Beehouse Dripper

    The Bee House, a pour-over brewer from Japan, has garnered significant attention in coffee. Its popularity stems from its user-friendly design, ability to produce a delicious drip, and visually appealing aesthetics crafted from ceramic, available in various colors.

    The Bee House offers a more forgiving learning curve than other pour-over brewers, such as the Hario V60 or the Kalita Wave. With its slower draining process and the ability to deliver excellent results even with a coarser grind, it becomes an ideal choice for beginners venturing into the world of pour-over coffee. Rest assured; an exceptional brew can be achieved, even without expertise!

    What To Expect

    • Bing Time: Aim for a brew time of approximately 3 to 3 minutes from bean to brew.
    • Grind Type: For optimal results, it is recommended to use a medium-fine grind. This grind size is slightly finer than your standard drip coffee grind, resembling the texture of table salt.
    • Resulting Brew: The Bee House dripper delivers a clean and clear coffee taste, similar to other drippers. However, you can expect a more pronounced flavor profile due to its slower drainage. Stumptown describes it as having a "clean and sweet cup character."
    • Skill Level: While practice is beneficial, mastering the Bee House dripper is relatively easier compared to other intricate drip brewing methods


    • Standard filters are readily available in most grocery stores, ensuring easy access when needed.
    • Crafted from ceramic, they provide superior heat retention compared to plastic alternatives.


    • Exercise caution, as ceramic filters are more fragile and prone to breakage.

    15. Clever Dripper

    At first glance, the clever dripper may appear to be just another pour-over dripper. However, upon closer inspection, you'll discover it is a unique fusion of a steeping and pour-over brewer. It embodies the perfect marriage between a French press and a pour-over cone.

    What sets this little device apart from other drippers is its ingenious valve. This valve ensures your brew doesn't drain into your cup or vessel until you activate it.

    Here's how it works: simply add your usual filter, coffee grounds, and hot water. Allow it to steep for as long or as little as you desire. Once it's ready, place the clever dripper on top of your cup, activating the valve and initiating the smooth flow of that delightful brown goodness into your mug. For more brewing tips, click here.

    Why choose the clever dripper? It grants unparalleled control over your brew, enabling customization according to your taste or current mood.

    What To Expect

    • Timing: From Bean to Brew, it all depends on your mood. While a minimum of 3-4 minutes is recommended, feel free to steep it longer if that's your preference.
    • Grind Type: Ideally, a medium/fine grind works best, but since you have control over the brewing time, feel free to experiment.
    • Resulting Brew: Some are enamored by this method, praising its ability to capture the best qualities of French press and drip brewing without any drawbacks. Others, however, find it to be rather unremarkable. To us, it evokes the taste of a classic pour-over brew.
    • Skill Level: By simply following the steps and timing, you will soon master the fundamentals of this brewing technique.


    • User-friendly and easy to clean
    • Ideal for travel
    • Affordable


    • Despite its plastic construction, it might give the impression of being flimsy and inexpensive
    • It may not be the most visually appealing dripper in your collection

    16. Cold Drip Brewing

    If you haven't heard of cold drip coffee, you may be new to the game or have been out of the loop for the past few years. Cold brew has quickly become one of the most popular and innovative ways to infuse caffeine into daily lives. However, let's be clear: iced coffee is not the same.

    In essence, cold drip coffee is created by slowly dripping cold filtered water through freshly ground coffee over an extended period, often 10 hours or more. You can use a cold-brew coffee maker or a mason jar to craft your own.

    Don't confuse cold drip coffee with regular hot coffee served cold. It's a completely different experience. Patience is crucial, as the payoff is a robust and intense coffee with a distinct flavor profile and an incredibly smooth finish. Say goodbye to acidity and bitterness. With cold drip coffee, there's no need to mask the true taste of the coffee bean with milk or sweeteners. You get to savor the authentic origins and characteristics of the coffee.

    One of the remarkable aspects of cold-brewed coffee is its freshness. It can remain flavorful for up to two weeks. So, why not fill up a few old jars and keep them in the fridge? With just one brewing cycle, you'll have a readily available supply of delicious coffee to keep you blissfully caffeinated for days.

    What To Expect

    • Brewing Time: From Bean to Brew: 10-24 hours. Patience truly is a virtue.
    • Recommended Grind: Coarse - imagine the texture of thick sand.
    • Resulting Brew: Indulge in a rich and intensely flavorful cup devoid of bitterness. Experience the full-bodied essence of the coffee bean, accompanied by an exceptionally smooth aftertaste.
    • Skill Level: Simply master the art of grinding, set up your cold dripper as intended, and you're ready to embark on a delightful coffee journey.


    • Indulge in a delightfully flavorful brew with no trace of bitterness.
    • Avoid any post-consumption caffeine crash.
    • Brew extra and conveniently store it in the fridge.


    • Demands time and patience for preparation.

    17. Nitro Cold Brew (Nitrous Coffee)

    Nitro coffee, derived from cold brew, has emerged as a rising star in the coffee world. Its popularity is expected to continue growing beyond 2016.

    As the name suggests, nitro coffee is cold brewed coffee infused with nitrogen, resulting in a delightful transformation of flavor and texture. It retains the smoothness of a cold brew but with a crisper and slightly sweeter profile. Visually, it resembles a pint of Guinness with its thick, creamy head.

    You can find nitro coffee on tap at select coffee shops or purchase it in cans from places like District Roasters or the pioneering Stumptown. Alternatively, if you prefer a hands-on approach, invest in a home-dispensing system and brew your batch in the comfort of your garage.

    What To Expect

    • Time: From Bean to Brew: If you're considering making your cold brew, you'll first need to brew a substantial amount (more than just a few cups) which can take days or weeks, depending on your system. Once you have your cold brew ready and your system set up, pouring it will be as effortless as pouring a beer, yielding instant gratification.
    • Resulting Brew: Experience a crisp, light, and creamy beverage that resembles a frothy beer. The already elevated caffeine levels found in cold brew, combined with the nitrogen infusion (which may facilitate faster caffeine absorption into your bloodstream), deliver a powerful energy boost.
    • Skill Level Required: Setting up a home system and mastering the perfect pour may be challenging.


    • Provides a noticeable caffeine boost
    • Delivers a light, creamy, and refreshing cold coffee experience
    • Doesn't require milk or sugar, making it a healthier substitute for regular coffee


    • Creating it yourself can be demanding and necessitates investment in equipment and time

    Boiling Coffee

    Do they truly require all these extravagant coffee brewing gadgets? While they add a touch of amusement to the coffee-making process and offer customization, since the inception of coffee, a simple method has existed: boiling coffee with water.

    You only need water, heat, and ground coffee to brew a cup of coffee. So why overcomplicate matters?

    Even without a coffee maker, you can still craft a delightful cup of coffee with just the bare essentials.

    Let's delve into the two most renowned methods of boiling coffee - the Turkish style (definitely worth a try) and the cowboy method (only as a last resort).

    18. Cowboy Coffee

    Cowboy coffee, the oldest known brewing method, may be considered old-fashioned, but it has stood the test of time. With minimal equipment required, it has become popular among campers lacking coffee-making gear. All you need is a flame and a saucepan.

    Here it works: start by filling your pot with water and boiling it. Add your ground coffee, remove it from the heat, and let it brew for a few minutes. Once the grounds settle at the bottom, pour the coffee into your mug slowly and gently. No need for anything fancy.

    What to expect:

    • Time: From bean to brew, it takes approximately 4-5 minutes to brew the coffee, a few more minutes for the grounds to settle, and a few more for a steady pour. It may take around 10 minutes, but remember; nobody said it would be quick!
    • Type of grind: Using a medium to coarse grind is recommended, avoiding fine grounds to prevent a sludgy mess.
    • Resulting brew: The taste may vary depending on the timing, grind size, and other variables. However, it is still better than instant coffee, even though you won't find it served in coffee shops (or will you?)
    • Skill level required: If you can boil an egg, you've already mastered brewing cowboy coffee.


    • No need for extravagant accessories, allowing for practicality in any location.
    • Embrace the thrill of adventure akin to that of Bear Grylls.


    • It may lack that certain je ne sais quoi.
    • There's a higher chance of scorching both your coffee and your fingers.

    19. Turkish Coffee

    The Ottoman Empire reigned over Turkey for an impressively long period, starting from 1299. During this time, Turkish coffee played a significant role in fueling their endurance. While there is a possibility that the preceding fact may have been fabricated, one thing remains certain: Turkish coffee packs a punch and has been savored across the globe for centuries. Brewing Turkish coffee may seem simple, but like most brewing methods, it requires skill to achieve perfection.

    The most conventional way to prepare Turkish coffee involves using a Turkish coffee pot, water, and finely ground coffee beans. The brew is simmered multiple times, usually 2-3 times, resulting in a robust and exceptionally flavorful drink topped with thick foam. It's worth noting that Greek coffee is nearly identical to Turkish coffee. However, if you were to ask a Turk about Greek coffee or vice versa, you might find yourself amid a spirited debate.

    What To Expect

    • Brewing Turkish coffee is a delightful experience that yields a rich and aromatic cup of joe. Here's how you can achieve coffee perfection:
    • Timing: From bean to brew, allow 3-4 minutes for a single cup. Surprisingly quick!
    • Grind Type: Aim for an ultra-fine grind resembling powder for optimal results. A dedicated grinder is recommended to achieve this level of fineness.
    • Resulting brew: The brew exudes an incredible aroma, boasting a bold and intense flavor profile. If you're a fan of robust black coffee, Turkish coffee will captivate your taste buds.
    • Skill level required: Fear not; brewing Turkish coffee is straightforward and doesn't require much expertise. It's an accessible and enjoyable process for all coffee enthusiasts.


    • Fast and convenient brewing method
    • Offers a unique and robust flavor with a delightful aroma
    • Requires minimal equipment for preparation


    • Prone to boiling over and burning if not monitored carefully
    • Not suitable for induction stoves as it requires an open flame
    • It may result in a slightly gritty final brew

    Wrapping Up

    They would love to hear your insights on these coffee brewing techniques. Hopefully, they ignite your imagination and inspire you for your upcoming coffee experiments next week!

    Frequently asked questions

    Is there a way to adjust the strength of Turkish coffee?

    You can adjust the strength by changing the water-to-ground coffee ratio. A higher ratio means a less strong cup, while a lower ratio results in a stronger brew. However, remember that too much grind can make your final beverage gritty.

    What other equipment do I need to brew Turkish coffee?

    Besides the traditional cezve, you will also need a grinder (to achieve an ultra-fine grind) and a heat source. Use long-handled tongs or oven gloves for safety if using an open flame. Also, have a few paper towels on hand for spills. Finally, a pitcher or serving vessel is needed to transfer the brewed coffee for serving.

    What are some other methods of brewing coffee?

    There are numerous ways to enjoy freshly brewed coffee. The most popular include French press, pour-over, immersion, cold brew, and espresso. Each method can create a unique cup of coffee that showcases the nuances of your chosen beans. Experiment with them to find your favorite.

    How long does it take to brew Turkish coffee?

    Generally, Turkish coffee takes about 5 - 8 minutes to finish brewing. It is dependent on how much grind and water you use, as well as the heat source. Watch it closely and remove it from heat once it makes active bubbling sounds.

    What other tips can you provide for brewing Turkish coffee?

    Some things to keep in mind when brewing are to start with cold water, use a medium grind size, and stir the coffee after adding it to the cezve. Additionally, measure out your ingredients carefully so you can adjust them properly according to your preference. Finally, by experimenting with different grind sizes and amounts of coffee, you can find the perfect cup that suits your taste.

    Is there anything else to consider when brewing Turkish coffee?

    Yes, there are a few other important considerations. For example, you should always use fresh, high-quality beans for the best flavor. Additionally, it's important to monitor the temperature of the water so that it doesn't boil too vigorously or be too lukewarm. Lastly, make sure to serve the coffee immediately after brewing, as it loses its flavor and freshness quickly.

    What are some common mistakes to avoid when brewing Turkish coffee?

    To ensure a great cup of coffee, avoiding using too much or too little coffee is important. Additionally, stirring the coffee too vigorously can cause it to foam up and overflow from the cezve. Finally, be mindful of the temperature of the water, as this can affect the strength of the brew. These factors should be considered to ensure a delicious cup of Turkish coffee every time.

    Check out Lifeboost Coffee Automatic Pour Over Coffee Machine.


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