Gain Powerful Health Benefits Health from two Beloved Beverages: Coffee AND Red Wine
Coffee and wine are two beloved beverages that have quite a bit in common.
Of course, most don’t reach for a glass of wine as soon as their feet hit the floor each morning, that’s a privilege left for coffee.

But, concerning aspects such as rich history, cultural tradition, social interaction, and meticulous processing methods, the two are more similar than you might think.
And, while there’s no doubt coffee comes out on top when it comes to worldwide popularity, both beverages, in fact, benefit your health!
So, what happens when these two beverages with such rich cultural history and shared health benefits come together?
That’s right, wine infused coffee! A collision of time-honored tradition, sophisticated aromas, unparalleled flavors, and amazing health benefits.
You know how much we care about your health here at Lifeboost, so we’re going to take some time to dive into the details of how both coffee and wine can benefit your body.
First we’ll take a look at those benefits separately, then we’ll leave you with a concise comparison between the two: coffee and wine.
But First, Coffee…
Whether you own a product (mug, t-shirt, pillow, or plaque) with the saying “But First, Coffee…” or not, chances are the sentiment surely isn’t lost on you.
Why? Because we coffee-lovers understand that much of our day comes after that first cup and how important that first taste really is!
But, do we really understand what we gain from that first cup, or second, or third?
We all love coffee, but here we’re going to see how coffee loves us right back! So, pull up a chair and brew yourself a cup while we count the ways, if you will.
1- Improves Heart Health
Recent studies done by the American College of Cardiology reveal what similar studies have shown us for some time, drinking coffee can improve the health of your heart.
At the American College of Cardiology’s 71st Annual Scientific Session, “the largest look at coffee’s potential role in heart disease and death” was analyzed, revealing that drinking 2-3 cups of coffee per day was associated with a lowered risk of heart disease, a reduced risk of developing dangerous heart rhythms, and overall longevity of life.
Even better, these findings were true for individuals with and without cardiovascular disease.
Other research solidifies these findings, with one review detailing how drinking 3-5 cups of coffee per day reduces the risk of heart disease by 15%.
Another review of 21 studies has shown that consuming 3-4 cups of coffee daily can reduce the risk of stroke (often associated with poor heart health) by 21%.
And, yet another study involving 21,000 participants found that increased coffee intake actually decreased the risk of heart failure significantly.
2-Increases Lifespan

Due to coffee’s overall benefits to your health, this powerful beverage is thought to extend your overall lifespan when consumed regularly.
Obviously, we’ll detail those other benefits in a moment, but we wanted to build upon the ACC’s recent findings listed in the point above.
While researching the benefits coffee consumption has on the health of your heart, the American College of Cardiology also found similar consumption (here, 2-3 cups daily) to extend the overall length of one’s life.
Another review of 40 studies found drinking 2-4 cups of coffee each day, regardless of weight and age, was associated with a lowered risk of death.
In test tube studies, coffee was found to significantly lengthen the lifespan of yeast due to its specific ability to lessen damage from free radicals, even preventing DNA damage.
Findings such as this have prompted further study into coffee’s life-lengthening abilities, which has led to the following research results:
- A Harvard study revealed people who drink up to 8 cups of coffee daily (decaf or caffeinated) slightly reduce their risk of early death.
- And, a 2012 study involving over 400,000 participants ages 50-71 revealed drinking 4-5 cups of coffee per day reduced the risk of early death by 12-16% in both men and women.
3-Boosts Liver Health
If you already have liver disease, drinking coffee may be beneficial in keeping conditions like Hepatitis C from progressing.
And, research has shown that regularly consuming coffee can even keep you from developing nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
If you already have nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, drinking coffee can keep the disease from worsening.
And, should you have already developed cirrhosis of the liver, drinking more coffee has been linked to a reduced likelihood of death from the disease.
According to the Cleveland Clinic, Dr. Wakim Fleming states 3-4 cups of coffee consumed daily may prevent such liver problems, and “if you have hepatitis or fatty liver disease…as many as four, five, or even six cups a day might be helpful.”
Coffee is said to increase the activity of liver enzymes, responsible for favorable improvement in such liver conditions.
4-Reduces Risk Of Depression
Studies show coffee drinkers are less likely to become depressed, with some research revealing this benefit to even save lives, lowering the risk of death by suicide (linked to depression).
One Harvard study found women to reduce their risk of depression by 20% when they consumed 4 or more cups of coffee daily (does not include decaf).
A more recent study by this prestigious university delved into this matter a bit deeper and found coffee’s anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, and microbiome-promoting properties to be instrumental in mental health improvements.
These properties were evidenced as a contributing factor in the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, where adults drinking at least 2 cups of coffee daily were 32% less likely to report instances of depression compared to those adults who did not drink coffee.
The caffeine component in coffee is also noted as a beneficial factor in reducing one’s risk of depression, due to its mood lifting and energy boosting abilities.
5- Lowers Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes
A large review analyzing studies including more than 1 million total participants has concluded whether you prefer caffeinated, half-caf, or decaf, drinking coffee can also reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
The magnesium, caffeine, and polyphenol content of coffee combined are said to be the contributing factors in this wonderful health benefit, with studies showing that drinking 3-4 cups of coffee daily seem to be the type 2 diabetes repelling sweet spot.
Furthermore, one study showed those participants increasing their daily coffee intake by at least one cup lowered their risk of diabetes by 11%, while those participants who lessened their intake by one cup actually increased their risk of diabetes by 17%!
It is important to note that some studies recommend individuals who already have type 2 diabetes switch to decaf coffee, still reaping the rewards of the brew without the potential for impairment in insulin sensitivity from caffeine.
6-Increases Energy
Due to the caffeine content in coffee, your brew is proven to amp up your energy levels and fight fatigue, making you feel more alert and awake. Hmmm, probably why it’s an after-alarm favorite for so many!
This is because caffeine, as a stimulant, works to block the receptors of adenosine, a neurotransmitter.
As adenosine is blocked, other neurotransmitter levels increase in the brain thereby regulating your energy levels.
When examining the effects of caffeine on athletic performance, one study found cyclists to increase their “time to exhaustion” while exercising (cycling) by 12%.
And, another study involving golfers found that consuming caffeine before and during a round of golf increased energy levels, reduced fatigue, and boosted overall performance.
7-Keeps Your Brain Healthy
Since we just tapped into the effects of caffeine on the brain in the point above, let’s further explore that topic and see how coffee helps in other areas of cognitive function.
While the caffeine content of coffee blocks specific neurotransmitter receptors, the antioxidant content of coffee works to mitigate inflammation, hypoxia, and oxidative damage in the brain.
Oxidative stress, inflammation, and insufficient oxygen within the brain are thought to each be contributing factors in cognitive decline and the diseases associated with these effects such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and dementia.
Studies have linked drinking 3-5 cups of coffee daily in the middle stages of life with a 65% reduced risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease later in life.
The caffeine content of coffee has also been found to slow the progression of Parkinson’s disease over time.
One review even concluded that the risk of Alzheimer’s disease lowered as coffee consumption increased. And, while I’m sure we could find a cap there, as too much of even good things can turn into bad things, those stats are certainly impressive!
8- Reduces Risk Of Cancer
We have long known that foods and drinks containing antioxidants are beneficial to our health, and coffee is loaded with them!
One primary benefit of antioxidants to our bodies is their ability to combat the damage caused by oxidative stress.
Oxidative stress can occur from exposure to pollution, an improper diet, obesity, lack of sleep, use of medication, and even normal, needed, bodily functioning as the body seeks to clear out the byproducts of these functions.
Antioxidants essentially “turn off” the free radicals produced by such exposure and functioning, keeping their damage to a minimum.
Cancer is one disease thought to stem from an abundance of oxidative stress within the body, and coffee consumption has been linked to reducing one’s risk of some kinds of cancer due to its antioxidant effects.
A 2015 study in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found those people who drank 4 or more cups of coffee daily (caffeinated) lowered their risk of developing melanoma by 20%.
In another study, researchers found coffee consumption (regular and decaf) to reduce a person’s risk of developing colorectal cancer by 26%.
The American Cancer Society recognizes coffee consumption as a link between a reduced risk for developing some cancers of the throat and mouth as well as prostate, liver, and endometrial cancer.
In most studies, such cancer risk reducing benefits were noted in those individuals who reported drinking 4-6 cups of coffee daily.
9- Helps Manage Weight
Some studies have shown coffee drinkers to have better success managing their weight than those folks who don’t drink this delicious brew.
Coffee, minus any high calorie, chemical-laden additions, only contains roughly 5 calories per 8 ounce cup, so the beverage alone is a weight-friendly one.
But, the caffeine component of coffee has also been attributed to enhancing metabolism, and a boosted metabolism is greatly effective when it comes to burning calories and losing weight (or maintaining a healthy weight).
Aside from its boosts to your metabolism, some studies have also found coffee to be an effective appetite suppressant, where those who consumed it 30 minutes to 4 hours before mealtimes consumed less food than those who did not.
Some research even suggests that drinking coffee prior to exercise can boost fat burning effects, while other (similar) research saw participants decrease body fat percentages over a four week period when they consumed 3 cups of coffee per day.
10- Reduces Risk Of Gout
Gout is a painful, often severe, form of arthritis thought to be caused by a buildup of uric acid.
Some studies have shown coffee consumption to lower levels of uric acid in the body, making it a powerful gout reducing aid, and this aid compounds greatly when your coffee drinking habit increases.
For instance:
- One study found drinking only one cup of coffee daily lowered the risk of gout by 8%.
- Another study revealed drinking 4-5 cups of coffee daily reduced the risk of gout by 40%.
- And, other research suggests drinking 6 or more cups of coffee daily reduces the risk of gout by 60%.
Red Wine Is Fine

As studies have shown, red wine has been shown to have antioxidant fighting power! Which we love!
Like coffee, all wine, however, isn’t created equally.
So, here we’ll look at what low sugar, dry, red wine can do for your health and see how it measures up to the many health benefits of good, clean, pure coffee.
1- Keeps Heart Healthy
Drinking red wine has been shown to lower bad (LDL) cholesterol levels. And, this is thought to be linked to the fiber content of certain red grapes used in many red wine varieties.
The polyphenol or antioxidant content of red wines also helps to prevent blood from clotting, keeping your blood vessels, and therefore your heart, healthy.
**It is important to note that heavy drinking can negate the healthy effects of drinking wine, actually causing damage to the heart.
Studies show that roughly 5 ounces of red wine consumption daily can reduce the risk of heart disease by 32%, however; this benefit turns bad when amounts consumed exceed this, with higher intakes significantly increasing one’s risk of heart disease.
Other research has found consumption of dealcoholized wines to reduce blood pressure.
And, men drinking 1-3 glasses of red wine 3-4 days per week reduced their risk of stroke (often associated with heart health).
Even elderly populations have seen benefits to their heart health with moderate wine consumption.
2- Reduces Risk Of Cognitive Decline
Drinking red wine has been shown to improve memory due to its resveratrol content, which inhibits the formation of a type of protein commonly shown in the brains of patients with Alzheimer’s disease.
Consuming 1-3 glasses of wine per day is linked to a reduced risk of both dementia and Alzheimer’s, though this amount could also cause health concerns in some individuals.
Resveratrol is also thought to activate a chemical pathway in the brain which lessens the amount of oxidative stress and damage to cells and DNA over time. Aging and disease normally result from this damage, so consumption of red wine and other resveratrol-rich items seem to combat this damage, keeping such disease aging-effects at bay.
3- Keeps Colds Away
The antioxidant content of red wine wins again here, as a recent study done by the University of Auckland found the consumption of red wine to significantly reduce one's likelihood of catching a cold.
The antioxidants in red wine are thought to possess both anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties, giving your immune system helpful aid when it comes to keeping a cold at bay.
4- Regulates Blood Sugar
Though they do recommend checking blood sugar before consuming wine, the American Diabetes Association states that drinking red wine can potentially lower blood sugar for up to 24 hours.
In diabetics, the resveratrol component of red wine has been found to be helpful in lowering blood glucose levels, so much so that resveratrol supplements have been used to effectively lower such levels in diabetics.
In women, some studies have shown consuming red wine in moderation may even reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
5-Reduces Risk Of Cancer
When looking at the effects of resveratrol on human cancer cells, scientists have found that it hinders the action of cancer-aiding proteins, putting red wine on the list of potential cancer fighters.
Consuming red wine in moderation is thought to be linked to a reduced threat of basal cell, ovarian, prostate, and colon cancers.
6- Good For Your Gut
The ancient Greeks and Egyptians were accustomed to using red wine for optimal health, specifically the health of the stomach (or gut).
And, a team of Portuguese researchers have confirmed what the ancients knew all along, namely that certain “polyphenols in red wine trigger the release of nitric oxide, a chemical that relaxes the stomach wall, helping to optimize digestion.”
The antibacterial properties in red wine are also thought to aid in stomach problems, primarily bacterial infections and digestive disorders.
7- Reduces Risk Of Depression

A new study has found resveratrol to contain anti-stress elements.
In this regard, scientists have observed this component of red wine blocking the expression of enzymes in the brain related to stress control.
In one study participants who drank red wine in moderation, were less likely to suffer from depression.
And, yet another study cited researchers claims that 2-7 glasses (5 ounces) of red wine per week could reduce one’s risk of depression.
8- Aids In Body Fat Management
While this notion is disputed by some, researchers suggest a chemical compound in red wine, piceatannol, which is converted from resveratrol, may help to reduce the total number of fat cells in your body.
Scientists have observed piceatannol binding to insulin receptors on fat cells, prohibiting the growth of immature fat cells.
Furthermore, a Washington State University team of researchers has discovered that resveratrol can help to transform what is known as white fat (the hard to lose kind) into brown fat (the easy to burn kind).
9- Increases Lifespan
There’s a debate over whether moderate consumption of red wine can increase lifespan as this stat usually can be found only in conjunction with a certain diet and active lifestyle, as opposed to being a stand-alone benefit.
But, since this pairing speaks of our topic today, we must include it…
A study conducted by the UC Irvine Institute found that consuming both coffee and red wine (think start your day with a cup of joe and end it with a glass of red) daily increased one’s overall lifespan.
The antioxidant content of both beverages is thought to be the biggest factor contributing to this finding.
Coffee And Wine

Wow, we’ve covered a lot of ground here!
It is important to note, especially when it comes to coffee, these benefits pertain to drinking this beverage black, sans creamers loaded with artificial ingredients, excessive amounts of processed sugars, dairy milks, and artificial flavorings.
In other words, if you’re going to add to your brew, be sure the ingredients you choose are just as healthy as your Lifeboost coffee selection, so you can be sure to reap the healthy rewards we’ve detailed above.
Of course, when it comes to wine, you’ll want to find clean, dry varieties for optimal health benefits.
And, when it comes to wine infused coffee, you can rest assured, knowing you’re sipping the cleanest and best with Lifeboost Coffee!
**When drinking wine, as stated in the detailed health benefits section, many of these benefits work on a J-shaped curve, with higher intake of alcohol negating the health benefits or actually causing harm to your health. So, remember to drink responsibly and in moderation.**
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