Things to include:
  • People
  • Things
  • Experiences
  • Goals reached
  • Physical, mental, or emotional health
  • Spiritual growth
  • Abilities
  • Things enjoyed throughout the day
  • Friendships/relationships
  • Opportunities
  • Highlights from your day
  • YOU
Specific examples:
  1. I am grateful for a day filled with sunshine.
  2. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to have lunch with a dear friend.
  3. I am grateful for my health.
  4. I am grateful for an awesome date with my spouse.
  5. I am grateful for a pantry full of food.
  6. I am grateful for the space and ability to plant a garden.
  7. I am grateful for my home.
  8. I am grateful for a new job opportunity leading to growth in my career.
  9. I am grateful for time to spend outdoors with my kids.
  10. I am grateful for a challenging workout session today.
This is YOUR list, so be as creative as you’d like, and be as detailed as you’d like.