Sound too good to be true?
Lifeboost Coffee has gotten the exclusive rights to the nutraceutical industry’s first fermented Toxin-Scavenging Lactobacillus.
Our exclusive proprietary formula uses a naturally occurring fermentation process that allows beneficial changes to the bacteria’s cell walls.
In essence, these bacteria are “trained” over 7 generations to fight against toxic substances, such as mold (mycotoxins) and other toxic substances that make healthy bacterial cell walls weak.
And THIS is the first coffee of it’s kind...
It’s Simple.
We took our certified organic, low-acid, shade-grown specialty coffee beans… and added a very potent proprietary probiotic mixture. (It’s so potent, just a small amount is used so it doesn’t change the incredible flavor of the beans)
Why cold brew?
THE RESULT? A cold brew coffee bean that is very low acid, good for your gut health… may help regulate inflammation… and supports your immune system.
This isn’t just ANY coffee… and this isn’t just ANY probiotic.
Probiotics have become a “buzz” word and now everyone and their mother is selling them. Some are good, some are dead upon arrival. It’s hard to discern which is which.
Research indicates that anywhere from 80-99% of traditional, unprotected, live probiotic cells will be killed off by stomach acid before reaching the intestine.*
When it comes to probiotics - the ones you buy online or at a store - it’s important to know what is effective.
There are 12 different viable probiotic strains inside.
That’s 12 TIMES MORE than the leading competitor.
Maybe even more important, is the manufacturing of our probiotics.
After the probiotics we use are grown, they are saturated in a proprietary acid mixture.(Don’t worry this doesn’t change the pH of the coffee, it’s a micro amount) This mixture provides a protective acid coating and suspends them in their temporary lag phase. (This is their most survivable, adaptable phase)
VERY different from the majority of probiotics on the market that are sold in the growth phase. Suspending bacteria in the lag phase offers a number of benefits for the probiotics AND for you.
Most companies use some combination of encapsulation, freeze-drying, and refrigeration to increase survivability.
But the proprietary acid coating of the probiotics in Biotics Cold Brew offers better protection than any of these methods. (This will ONLY ever be found in Lifeboost Biotics Cold Brew because we have exclusive rights)
And each cup of Biotics Cold Brew has a daily serving of probiotics!
One of the most important characteristics of bacteria in the lag phase is their ability to adapt to environmental changes better than any other bacterial growth phase.
When the acid-coated probiotics pass through the stomach, they are not replicating. Instead, they are growing in size, maturing, and adapting to their environment.
This characteristic helps the probiotics to survive the harsh acid of the stomach on the way to the intestines and dramatically enhances their survival over traditional probiotic supplements.
Once the acid-coated probiotics reach the intestines, the environment changes, allowing bacterial growth to shift from the lag phase to the exponential phase where they multiply in number and flourish throughout the entire intestinal tract.
And these benefits, in combination with our certified organic, low-acid, shade-grown coffee that’s 3rd party tested for Mycotoxins AND 400+ other toxins, are what make Biotics Cold Brew the biggest breakthrough in the coffee industry.
YOU, my friend, have a unique chance to be one of the first coffee lovers to try it out.
Click the button below to get your bag of Biotics Cold Brew.
Regular coffee drinking has some amazing effects on your overall health according to research:
And these 12 strains of probiotics?
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.* Consult your physician before beginning any exercise program.
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